Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: Concord: Great Journalists Torn Between Their Editorial Line and the Shortcomings of the Game

All to shelter, the catastrophic Concord talk about him again! Great Journalists from PC Gaming, VGC or IGN, were able to put their hands on it a few days ago. We first learn that an open beta phase will be available from July 18 to 21, and that the early access release is unfortunately still scheduled for August 23 (unless it is the final version, this is not the case). is not clear on this point).

Our colleagues assure you, it’s better than it looks. But yes, but yes! The proof, the comparisons with “masterpieces” such as Halo, destiny or Overwatch raining. Well, they still say that it's less good each time, but you can't have everything: an original artistic direction, and a unique concept. Um… wait. Ha no, in fact there is neither one nor the other. It's still visually unremarkable, and all the game modes are remakes of existing titles. During their test, some journalists also mentioned completely crappy balancing, a TTK as long as a day without bread, and an aim-assist which would make a paraplegic unbeatable against a PGM of Quake with the mouse. As for the feeling of the weapons, it's pretty mixed. We can read on one hand that it is very good, but the video shows the complete opposite: a lousy sound design, no recoil and no impact on the opponents… Another journalist indicates that it is approximately the level of destiny. This indeed seems a little more measured to us, knowing that Bungie's game does not really shine for its gunfeel.


It's hard to understand why the reviews are generally positive with all these criticisms. Besides, we forgot one: apparently, dodging switches the camera to TPS for a short moment, which makes you lose control of the character for a few moments, which is completely stupid for a competitive multiplayer game. Wow, it looks really good.

Anyway, you will have understood, there is no risk of touching it, even with a stick. If, on the other hand, you have very bad taste, and while waiting for the launch of the playtests of Concord July 18th or its release on August 23rd, you can follow the project from his steam page. On the other hand, we beg you, don't go and encourage the devs of this thing by pre-ordering their game for €40. We start dreaming of all living in the DROMin order to have the chance of not being able to access a PlayStation account, which will be absolutely necessary to play, even on PC.
