Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: By trying to partner with Sony, Nintendo has created its own greatest enemy!

Game news By trying to partner with Sony, Nintendo has created its own greatest enemy!


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Discover, in podcast, the incredible story of the fratricidal fight that opposed Nintendo to Sony and which gave birth to one of the greatest rivalries in video games thanks to this JV Legends, now available on all platforms.


In the early 90s, the console industry was still in its infancy and still largely dominated by the arcade while Nintendo and Sega are engaged in a merciless war. The two manufacturers are fighting with great fanfare of comparative advertising and are igniting the famous “console war”. Thus, and to definitively bury its competitor with the blue hedgehog, Big N teams are getting busy and are coming to the conclusion that with machines of equal or slightly lower power, their games already win. A console more powerful than the enemy's will probably be enough to definitively eliminate him from the race.

While Sega strikes first with its Mega-CD, adding a disc drive to the MegadriveNintendo is getting closer to Sony, then a world-renowned multimedia giant. As with the competition, the goal is then to create an extension of the SNES, capable of reading CD-ROMs. However, once the contract was signed, the bigwigs at Big N realized that the deal would actually allow Sony to create, in addition to the expansion, a new console of its own: Nintendo Play Stationwith which Sony would obtain many rights to the intellectual properties of the parent company of Mario and Zelda…

To discover the history of Nintendo and Sony's fratricidal war, It is here and on all podcast applications (Spotify, Apple Poscast…) that it happens. Yes, JV is now getting into podcasts by adapting JV Legends to a 100% audio format. Of course, remember to subscribe so you don't miss any of the craziest stories in the world of video games!

JV Legends, but… in podcast!

If you are subscribed to our YouTube channel, you know our column: JV Legends. We take the craziest and most exciting stories from the industry. From now on, every Wednesday, we invite you to listen to a new story. While shopping, before going to sleep, while cleaning or exercising, you can follow this new format absolutely everywhere! However, if you are wondering if it is a simple copy and paste of the YouTube videos that are already present on the channel, you are wrong. This new version has been completely reworked to be even more pleasant to listen to. However, if you like the video format better, you can always go to our YouTube channel to discover all the episodes.

The episode on Nintendo and Sony is not the only one you can find in podcast. Now you can listen to the story of the creator of The Sims, the story of two developers who spent 4 months in hellor even discover the scandalous origin of minecraft…To make sure you don't miss a single episode, don't forget to subscribe on the platform you prefer! Deezer, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast…You are spoiled for choice!

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