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Culture news An Elden Ring movie? The game's creator believes in it, but on one condition


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The fascinating universe of Elden Ring could soon expand beyond video games to conquer the silver screen. From Software president Hidetaka Miyazaki recently revealed that a film adaptation of this famous role-playing game is possible, provided that the right partner can be found to carry out this ambitious project.



  • A rich and immersive world
  • A film adaptation in sight
  • The challenge of adaptation
  • A promising future

A rich and immersive world

Elden Ringreleased in February 2022, quickly captivated players with its complex and immersive world, The Between. This world was created in collaboration with Game of Thrones author George RR Martin, adding narrative depth and richness to the game's universe. Players take on the role of a Shineless One, an individual whose ancestors were exiled from these lands and who returns to conquer them after the destruction of the Elden Ring. This epic tale, combined with challenging gameplay, has earned Elden Ring immense popularity, with over 25 million copies sold.

A film adaptation in sight

In an interview with The Guardian, Miyazaki expressed his openness to a film adaptation of'Elden Ring.

I see no reason to refuse another interpretation or adaptation of'Elden Ringa film for example, he said.

However, he stressed a crucial condition for this project to see the light of day: the need to find a trusted partner with the necessary expertise to transpose this complex universe to a new medium.

“I don't think we at From Software have the knowledge or the capabilities to produce something in another medium,” he added. “That's where a very strong partner would come in. We'd have to build a lot of trust and agreement on what we're trying to accomplish, but there's interest, for sure.”

The challenge of adaptation

Adapting a video game as rich and complex as'Elden Ring to film is a daunting task. Video game adaptations have often been criticized for their inability to capture the essence and depth of the original games. However, the recent success of films/series like The Witcher and Sonic the Hedgehog, or Mario, shows that, when done well, these projects can find a wide audience and be critically acclaimed.

An Elden Ring movie? The game's creator believes in it, but on one condition

To succeed, an adaptation of'Elden Ring will not only have to remain faithful to the universe of the game, but also be accessible to spectators who are not familiar with the game. This will require skillful storytelling, high-quality visual effects, and a deep understanding of the game's themes and atmosphere. A partner experienced in the production of fantasy and action films would be essential to meet this challenge.

A promising future

Interest in a film adaptation of'Elden Ring shows how much the game's universe has resonated with players and media creators alike. While the project is still in its early stages and dependent on many factors, the prospect of an Elden Ring movie is exciting for fans of the game. With the right partner, this project could not only bring the universe of The Between-lands to a new audience, but also set a new standard for video game adaptations.

In the meantime, fans can continue to explore the world of'Elden Ring through the game and its expansions, while dreaming of seeing their favorite adventures transposed to the big screen. If From Software can find the right partner, we could well see another cinematic epic on the horizon.

As a reminder, Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox ONE and PC.

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