Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: a release date for this free content worthy of a real DLC

After 13 years of existence, Skyrim no longer holds many secrets for the most invested players. But this risks greatly changing with the upcoming arrival of this free content worthy of a real DLC.

Despite its legendary status, Skyrim wouldn't be where it is 13 years after its release without the unwavering support of modders. It is precisely to a team of fans that we owe one of the many mods that look like an extension of Bethesda's title, and particularly awaited by the community. In gestation for a very long time, this one finally has a precise release date.


A new unofficial expansion for Skyrim is set to take place

It's been eleven years since Skyrim received an official expansion, the last being Dragonborn, which took us to the island of Solstheim in a fight against the corrupted Dragon-Blood Miraak. Since then, Bethesda's cult title has had to rely on modders to offer new adventures in Skyrim. One of them, called Lordboundhad particularly aroused the curiosity of the community. Its creators promised an unofficial and particularly ambitious extension, offering around forty quests, fifty dungeons and sixty hours of play in a whole new region. Who says fan creation in their free time, however, says very long development time. This hard passionate work is however coming to an end, Lordbound splitting the following release date: March 2025.

This massive unofficial Skyrim DLC more precisely places its plot in the Druadach Valley, located on the western border of Skyrim and the eastern border of Hammerfell. This new adventure promises, according to the modders, “the most massive main quest in the game”. Three factions also get their own questline: the Imperials, the Orcs, and a mysterious man with a troubled past. To top it all off, Lordbound has its own soundtrack and fully voiced NPCs. A truly remarkable job on the part of the modders behind this massive project, which should be commended as it deserves.

A great way to wait for The Elder Scrolls 6

With the addition of such a massive unofficial DLC, Skyrim seems to have a bright future ahead of it. Let's also remember that modders are working in parallel on the unofficial Remakes of Morrowind and Oblivion in the fifth installment of the franchise. So many ambitious and promising projects that will allow fans to wait for the still very distant The Elder Scrolls 6. Let's hope, however, that Bethesda does not suddenly decide to massively patch Skyrim like Fallout 4, thus ruining the efforts of these passionate teams to continue to keep these iconic titles alive.
