Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: a perfect new feature waiting for the remake

Splinter Cell is back from the dead thanks to a fan who has done some pretty incredible work. He is currently enhancing one of the best games in the franchise (and Ubisoft), enough to keep you going while you wait for the remake!

Among all Ubisoft's projects, if there is one that is long awaited, it is the great return of Splinter Cell. Sold as a Metal Gear Solid killer at the time, the game was first released exclusively on Xbox and was already impressive. It would later find its way to other consoles and become an essential infiltration license, even if the latest installments have turned somewhat towards action and brutal staging.


Splinter Cell is coming back soon and will be even more beautiful thanks to a fan

In any case, the fans are very numerous and the franchise has a great aura. We hope that Ubisoft will give us news of its foal soon but in the meantime, PC players could well have an interesting alternative. Many swear by the first three episodes of the license, and that's good since we're going to talk about the very first game here and this thanks to the community.

It is often said here, our modders have talent, a lot of talent. Some are capable of completely recreating entire games, which, for some, have become cult licenses. Other amateur developers completely transform their favorite games. This is the case here of the modder skurtyyskirtsvery active within the community. The latter has been working for several months on the design of an RTX Remix mod for Splinter Cell first of the name and the least we can say is that the work is amazing.

Sam will be back soon

The perfect mod to get the game going again while waiting for the remake.

Even back then, Splinter Cell could boast of having excellent lighting effects. A brightness management that is also an integral part of the experience. Here, the work of Ubisoft developers is transcended by Ray Tracing. With his mod, skurtyyskirts significantly improves the lighting effects and the natural management of the different flows. It's screamingly realistic, even if it's not perfect yet. The modder says that there's still a long way to go before everything is impeccable, but it looks pretty cool.

When the latter is fully optimized, it will be a perfect excuse to dive back into this memorable opus. While waiting for Splinter Cell Remake anyway, there is not much to do as the license is unique in its genre and absent for far too long.

