Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: a huge update with lots of new features

XDefiant is treating everyone to a major content update that is no laughing matter. A real flood of new features and changes across the board. Take a look.

With XDefiant Season 1 set to begin on July 2, Ubisoft has released the full patch notes for the new season. This update introduces a host of new features and adjustments, including a new game mode, additional factions, maps, weapons, and more.


XDefiant is no longer laughing

Thus, among the most notable additions, we find the new Capture the Flag mode. This mode invites players to capture the enemy flag and bring it back to their base while protecting their own flag. CTF will be playable on several maps, offering a new competitive game dynamic. A highly anticipated classic.

Match bonuses have been adjusted to encourage players to stick around until the end of matches. The completion bonus has been doubled from 2,000 to 4,000 XP, while the MVP and Victory bonuses have been reduced. Additionally, Battle Pass progression has been accelerated by lowering the XP thresholds for each tier, making progression faster and more rewarding.

The GSK faction has been added. Bringing with them operators specialized in crowd control and securing territories. Among their skills are the ability to deploy electrified barbed wire and an active defense system. Other factions have also had their abilities adjusted to balance the gameplay. Such as increasing the cooldown of certain skills and adjusting the health points of certain barriers.

New Maps and Weapons

A new map, Clubhouse, has been added. This two-story map is ideal for close-to-mid-range combat and supports multiple game modes, including the new CTF. In terms of weaponry, new weapons like the L115 Sniper Rifle, LVOA-C Shotgun, and the Sawed-Off Double-Barreled Shotgun have been introduced, each bringing unique characteristics to the game.


Finally, improved visual effects for flash grenades have been added, replacing the old effects that were too intense. An exploit that allowed players to respawn with multiple devices has been fixed, ensuring a more fair gameplay experience. Additionally, adjustments have been made to the mixing of voices and sound effects for better audio clarity.
