Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: a highly rated free game available, hurry up

Until tomorrow, the latest free game of the moment is still in the station on the Epic Games Store. Don't miss this original and highly rated title before it leaves the station.

Until July 4th at 4:59 PM, you can still get a free game in the form of a ticket to the stars this summer for the Epic Games Store. Once this deadline has passed, we know the next free game on the platform, which swaps a flying locomotive for a falcon. A whole program with a certain emphasis on aerial travel in the coming days, in short.


Epic Games Store's highly rated free game is leaving the station soon

Developed by Failbetter Games and released in 2019 on PC and Mac, Sunless Skies is a fun indie game that takes the form of a steampunk narrative RPG mixed with shoot'em up, as you take control of a flying locomotive sailing through space. This free game combines exploration, resource management and captivating stories to create an immersive experience. It is also available on the Epic Games Store in its formula Sovereign Editionthe most complete.

Sail through the skies, meet intriguing characters and discover the secrets of this dark and poetic universe. Despite a slightly dated technique, this free game offered on the Epic Games Store benefits from a rather nice artistic direction that fits with its deliciously steampunk atmosphere. In any case, you have until tomorrow 4:59 p.m. to get it, if you are interested.

The next free aerial game already known

On July 4th at 5pm, the Sunless Skies train will fly to other skies to make way for another free game on the Epic Games Store. We're still in the aerial theme with The Falconeer, created by Tomas Sala, a single independent developer, and released in 2020. An excellent independent production that charmed those who tried it, because it allows us to ride a majestic falcon. In any case, Steam users have given it high marks for what it offers, both in its gameplay and in its shimmering artistic direction.

On the back of this giant bird, you play as a Falconer, a powerful warrior of the sky who crosses a vast ocean world torn apart by generations of conflict. For nearly 9 hours, you will take part in several campaigns, where you will discover life in this atypical universe. So prepare your saddle for its arrival tomorrow at 5 p.m. It will then be available until July 11, to then make way for another free game on the Epic Games Store.

