Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: a fans dream come true, it’s amazing!

A Tomb Raider fan makes the dream of many players come true thanks to Unreal Engine 5 and the powerful Metahuman. It's simply astonishing.

Lara Croft is more than just an ultra-popular video game heroine, she is a true muse. A character etched in pop culture who is even known by people who are completely unfamiliar with the video games she comes from. Tomb Raider notably broke through in cinema with several feature films. The most recent actress to have lent her features to the beautiful Englishwoman is none other than Alicia Vikander, who perfectly embodied the new Lara of 2013. But for many, it is Angelina Jolie who takes the prize.


Tomb Raider Fan Makes Many Gamers' Dreams Come True

The actress was in fact Lara for two films in the 2000s. She then played the femme fatale of the 90s who was the adventurer in her first adventures. Feature films which casually marked an entire generation of fans, so much so that many dreamed of seeing the actress reprise the role. One of his fans made this dream come true thanks to the Unreal Engine 5, the impressive Metahuman and a good dose of talent too.

Inspired by Tomb Raider 4: The Final Revelation, Lorenzo_CGIa gifted fan, recreated a teaser of the game by giving Lara the features of a younger Angelina Jolie. The result is surprising, but jarring. The Unreal Engine is a powerful tool and the author of this short cinematic seems to know how to use it. The same goes for the modeling of Von Croy, the big baddie of Tomb Raider 4 here played in CGI by actor Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Basterds, Django…). Here again, the result is remarkable, perhaps even more impressive than Lara.

Lorenzo_CGI indicates that AI was not used to edit this video, and that it is not a deepfake, but rather a modeling job under Unreal Engine 5.3 and with Metahuman. Remember, this is the impressive tool developed by Epic that allows you to shape simply stunning faces and animate them with realism. And it really hits the mark here.

The Tomb Raider license is currently in slow motion. A new game, under Unreal Engine 5, is currently in development and as Amazon recently told us, we should have news soon. For now, the latest game to be released is a compilation of remasters, the Tomb Raider Remastered Collection, which brings together the first three adventures of the famous English game in fully remastered versions.

