Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: a comparison with the ultra promising original

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake can't fail and wants to do things right. This comparison with the original proves it, it has changed a lot, fans will be watching this very, very closely.

Originally released in 2004, Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is one of the most popular and memorable episodes of the famous license. Recently, Konami decided to start from scratch with its franchise, or almost, by bringing this cult episode up to date. Nearly 20 years after its release, Metal Gear Solid 3 will soon return under the name Metal Gear Solid Delta with a complete overhaul, or almost.


A highly anticipated remake that doesn't really have room for error

Sublimate the original game without distorting it, modernize it and add a few new features. This is the titanic work that Konami has launched into with full knowledge of the facts. It could be a real success, we hope, but also a real cutthroat. Not only does the Metal Gear Solid license have its fans, but it also has those who swear by Kojima.

And given the liabilities between the firm and the video game creator, let's say that the weather is not looking good.
But if we put aside our preconceptions for a few minutes and just focus on the work done, this Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake has serious arguments in its favor. Even if we will wait to have the beast in our hands to judge, visually in any case, it is promising.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake compared to the original, it's very promising

As is often the case, the chain ElAnalistaDeBits made a comparison between the original game and what we have already seen of the remake. Needless to say, it has changed, changed a lot since then. It must be said that the original game is still 20 years old, that's a long time ago.

In any case, even if the technologies have evolved, the artistic touch seems almost intact, apart from a few color choices. Snake is more beautiful than ever, much more detailed than before, as are the animations which are also more numerous. The environment obviously gains in detail but the colors seem colder than before (graphic filters will be available). It should also be noted that the developers have adopted certain ideas as they are, such as the choice of the immersive camera when moving lying down in the grass for example. Some new features will also be included, such as new movements or different injury management.


Metal Gear Solid Delta doesn't have a firm release date yet, but the game is coming to PS5, Xbox Series, and PC soon.
