Rewrite this title for a blog post. Remove any site names from it The title is: 27 years later, this kid is still making money from his role in Titanic. In one sentence, he paid for his entire education!

Culture news 27 years later, this kid is still making money from his role in Titanic. In one sentence, he paid for his entire education!


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The story of Reece Thompson, now in his twenties, begins at the age of five when he played the poignant role of a little Irish boy in the legendary film Titanic. Directed by James Cameron and released in 1997, this colossal film not only made cinematic history but also changed Reece's life in a way that he never expected.



  • All things come to those who wait.
  • A quiet life after the shipwreck

All things come to those who wait.

Reece Thompson was just a child when his mother chose this small role for him, preferring the unique opportunity to appear in a promising film rather than a potentially more lucrative but less prestigious commercial. This decision, at the time, may have seemed risky, especially since the prospects of success of Titanic were still uncertain despite Cameron's reputation, which had already triumphed with films like Aliens And Terminator.

Reece's role in Titanic was succinct but significant. He plays a little Irish boy who, in a heartbreaking scene, asks his mother, “What do we do, Mummy?” The poignant moment takes place as the ship begins to sink, with his mother reading him and his sister a bedtime story in a final act of comfort before their inevitable tragic fate in the icy waters of the Atlantic.

Following the phenomenal success of Titanicwhich became one of the highest-grossing films of all time, Reece continued to collect “residual income” for his one-liner. These royalties, generated by television broadcasts, DVD and Blu-ray releases, and other reissues, have earned him significant sums over the years.

In a 2018 interview with Business Insider, Reece recalled:

My mom was like, 'Let's do it. It'll be cool. Even if the movie sucks, we'll go see it.' Of course, it ended up being a big hit, so it wasn't a bad decision on her part, that's for sure!

A quiet life after the shipwreck

With this choice, he initially earned about $30,000, a significant sum that his family invested mainly in his education. This strategy allowed Reece to fund his education through ongoing royalties, giving him a solid financial foundation without student debt.

Reece's annual income has fluctuated over time, peaking during new DVD releases or events marking the film's anniversary. In recent years, the payments have stabilized between $100 and $250 a year. While these amounts are now modest, they are still a pleasant surprise for Reece when he gets a check.

27 years later, this kid is still making money from his role in Titanic. In one sentence, he paid for his entire education!

Reece Thompson has continued his life away from the spotlight. He currently lives in Utah and works at a ski and snowboard resort. His experience in Titanic remains a cherished memory and a testament to the lasting impact even a small role in an iconic film can have.

Reece Thompson's journey is a shining example of how an opportunity, no matter how small, can turn into a lasting financial advantage. In one sentence, he was able to cover the cost of his education, proving that sometimes even the smallest roles can have the biggest impacts. To rewatch this memorable scene, Titanic is available to stream on Disney+.

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