Reassuring Statements for Fans: What to Expect

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake is still being talked about and the studio details the improvements we can expect. This should convince many fans, from what we know.

The highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Delta: Snake Eater is generating a lot of interest and excitement among fans of the series. This project, which aims to modernize the 2004 classic, promises a renewed and improved experience on several fronts. Producer Noriaki Okamura recently shared some interesting details during an episode of the Official Xbox Podcast, offering insight into the many improvements and new features.


One of the major announcements concerns the game's voice performances. While the original dialogue is retained, some lines have been re-recorded with the original voice actors to better guide players through the game's controls. Thanks to technological advancements, the Less audio compression is required, allowing for higher sound quality. In addition, the game will offer several audio options, including 7.1 channel sound, for increased immersion.

Okamura also mentioned the many improvements to the character models. These have been updated to rival those of Metal Gear Solid 5, offering high-quality details and animations. Facial capture was used to achieve realistic expressions, but many expressions were adjusted manually to achieve the desired result. This attention to graphic detail should make the characters more alive and expressive than ever.

For those nostalgic for the original game, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater will indeed include a visual filter. Which will recall the appearance of the 2004 title. This option will allow players to relive the experience with a graphic style that evokes the past. While benefiting from modern improvements. The announcement of these details highlights a growing trend in the video game industry: remakes of beloved classics. These projects don't just reproduce the original games. But seek to improve them and adapt them to contemporary standards.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater will be available on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5 and PC. We have no date at the moment.

