Popular game transitions to Switch following release on PS5 and Xbox

The action-adventure game Stray has already had a long journey. After the game was released for PC and PlayStation in 2022, it received an Xbox port in 2023. Now publisher Annapurna Interactive is taking the leap to the Switch – but not everyone is excited about it.

Stray is coming to Nintendo Switch

After the furry friend received a lot of praise on PC and PlayStation, it dared to make the leap to the Xbox and received applause there too. On the rating platform Metacritc, the PS5 version Stray secured a stable rating of 83. Gamers describe the game as beautiful, eventful and highlight the detailed cyberpunk-style city (source: Metacritic).


Players take on the role of a stray cat who must find his way in a dystopian city inhabited by humanoid robots.

As part of the latest Nintendo Direct, the Switch port announced. An exact release date has not yet been set, but the release is planned for the 2024 holiday season.

While some fans welcome Nintendo’s announcement, others remain skeptical. They note that the Switch version visible graphical reductions In the released trailer, environmental textures and the cat protagonist's fur are less detailed than on other platforms, which is particularly evident in the scenes with the glowing lights and neon signs of the city. Players hope that Nintendo will put some more work into this before the release (Source: Nintendo of Europe@X).

Take a first look at the Switch version:


Stray also appears as a film

The announcement of the Stray film adaptation came as a surprise, even though video game adaptations often prove to be very successful. The upcoming film aims to capture the game's unique hopepunk theme and present the perspective through the comedic dynamic of a cat and a robot.
