Players Forced to Stockpile Bounties and Challenges with XP Reduction – Next Stage

Destiny 2the popular game developed by Bungie, has been experiencing an unprecedented situation for several months. On July 3, 2024, an article revealed the consequences of the recent changes to bounties and challenges, requiring players to stockpile these items due to the reduction in XP. This article explores the effects of this update and analyzes the reactions of the player community.

XP Reduction: The Motives Behind the Decision

The reduction of experience (XP) in Destiny 2 was seen by many players as a controversial decision. Bungie explained that the goal was to rebalance the game's progression system. Indeed, the studio noticed that many players were going through the content too quickly and not taking the time to explore the different facets of the game.


This decision was also intended to make challenges and bounties more meaningful. Previously, some players would complete these tasks solely to rack up XP, without caring about the specific content or rewards. By reducing the XP earned, Bungie hoped that players would take more time to enjoy the game and its many activities.

However, this approach has led to frustrations. Many players feel that this adjustment penalizes them rather than encourages them to explore the content. The additional rewards, deemed insufficient, have failed to compensate for the reduction in XP, creating a feeling of imbalance in the community.

Interestingly, this type of modification is not unprecedented in the history of video games. Other titles, such as World of Warcrafthave also changed their progression system in an attempt to keep players interested in the long term. For Bungie, this is a risky but potentially profitable bet in the long run.

Strategies adopted by players to manage knowledge

Faced with this new constraint, the players of Destiny 2 have had to create strategies to optimize their progression. Storing bounties and challenges has become a common practice, allowing players to maximize XP gains at the right time.


One of the most common strategies is to accumulate bounties without completing them immediately. Players wait for special events or periods where XP gain is optimized to complete them en masse. This technique can be fruitful but requires careful management of the current bounties.

Another popular method is to focus on weekly and seasonal challenges, which often offer larger rewards. Players choose activities that offer a higher XP-to-time ratio, in order to maximize their progress in the shortest amount of time. This not only helps offset the XP reduction, but also makes the most of the available playtime.

To help each other out, some players are sharing tips and teaming up. Clans and online communities are seeing an increase in activity, with forums and discussion groups dedicated to optimizing rewards. This mutual assistance strengthens the sense of community, somewhat offsetting the frustration generated by the update.

In order to incentivize playing other aspects of the game, Bungie may consider future adjustments. For example, rebalancing XP gains based on difficulty and various activities, which could meet player expectations while encouraging diversity in gameplay experiences.

Consequences of xp reduction on gaming experience

The XP reduction has had a significant impact on the day-to-day gameplay experience. Progression, which is essential in a game like Destiny 2, has been affected, changing player habits and the dynamics of the game.

First, the feeling of grinding has increased. Players now have to complete more tasks to reach similar levels to what they would have reached before the XP reduction. This has led to increased fatigue, with some players feeling compelled to repeat the same actions over and over again for less attractive rewards.

On the other hand, motivation has taken a hit. Many players, motivated by levels and quick rewards, find less incentive to play regularly. This demotivation may explain a certain disaffection for the game, with fewer active players connected, particularly outside of special event periods.

Despite this, some positive aspects are emerging. Players are taking more time to appreciate narrative and exploratory content. This increased exploration can provide richer and more immersive experiences, allowing people to rediscover sections of the game that may have gone unnoticed before.

Group activities and cooperative events have also seen a resurgence in interest. Many players, looking to maximize their progress, are turning more often to team activities. This dynamic promotes the development of a spirit of camaraderie and solidarity within the community. Old and new players are taking advantage of this situation to strengthen their bonds, share tips and support each other's progress.

In conclusion, it is crucial to see how Bungie will eventually adjust this reduction of XP in the future. The reactions and feedback of the players will play a determining role in the future decisions of the studio.

The Future of Destiny 2 and Community Expectations

The future of Destiny 2 remains uncertain, with mixed opinions within the player community. Despite the recent turmoil, the game maintains a strong player base that is loyal to the rich and captivating universe Bungie has created.

Many players are hoping that Bungie will make adjustments to rebalance the gameplay experience. The XP reduction, while justifiable to some extent, may need some adjustments to satisfy the majority of players.

Community expectations focus on several key points:

  1. Reintroduced or adjusted XP gain criteria.
  2. Balanced bounties and challenges for better progression.
  3. Increased rewards for complex activities.
  4. Strengthened special events offering XP boosts.

Additionally, Bungie could explore the dynamics of crossplay and cross-platform compatibility to boost the game. If you want to learn more about these aspects, you can check out this excellent article on Destiny 2's crossplay and cross-platform compatibility.

The narrative element of the game could also be enriched, offering deeper immersion and captivating storylines. Future updates will likely incorporate more story content to keep players interested in the long run.

Finally, Bungie must ensure that it maintains a balance between old and new game mechanics. This approach will preserve the loyalty of historic players while attracting a new audience. By combining player feedback with constant innovation, the studio can look forward to a bright future for Destiny 2.

At the heart of player expectations is transparency and listening to feedback. Bungie has a unique opportunity to show that it is listening to its community, adapting the game to meet expectations while maintaining its artistic vision. It is in this balance that lies Bungie’s real challenge in the months and years to come.
