Player finds complete chaos on his desk at home – and a peacefully sleeping culprit

This would not have happened with our good community soul Mary's cat Fridolin. (Background image:

This would not have happened with our good community soul Mary's cat Fridolin. (Background image:


Cats are known to be skilled climbers who like to stay in places that are not intended for them.

A combination that suggests that you should not leave them alone with a gaming PC. This is also shown by a current example from Reddit insistent.

What exactly happened? As user Anteater-According describes, his little cat likes to make himself comfortable on the topmost of his four monitors.

But in his absence, she apparently got tangled up in a cable and caused a lot of chaos on the desk by trying to free herself:


Is the cat injured? Nothing happened to the animal itself. When the Reddit user came home, however, she was According to him calmly on the bed and slept as if nothing had happened.

How (easily) something like this can be prevented

There are some obvious mistakes that the Reddit user made, but fortunately they are very easy to avoid.

  • The most trivial thing to start with: It is better not to leave pets alone in the room where your PC is for long periods of time, if your apartment allows it.
  • Stop bad habits: It is often difficult to stop cats from going to places that are not suitable for them, but you should try. It can also help to reduce the incentives for them, i.e. make the place less comfortable or remove tempting objects (such as the cloth hanging behind the desk in this case).
  • Don’t expect too much from monitor mounts: In this case, the Reddit user used a single stand mount for all four monitors. It was also attached to the desk, but multiple mounts – or wall mounts – would be better and safer. It is also important to consider the size and weight restrictions.

The Reddit user wants to rely on the latter solution in the future. To use the words of the community member Drone314 accept:

Some lessons are learned the hard way.

If you want a simpler setup: With ViewFinity, Samsung wants to offer the ultimate monitors for the home office
If you want a simpler setup: With ViewFinity, Samsung wants to offer the ultimate monitors for the home office

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If you want a simpler setup: With ViewFinity, Samsung wants to offer the ultimate monitors for the home office

Also good to know: The vast majority of monitors support one of the so-called VESA standardsThis makes it much easier to find a suitable mount for your desk or wall.

You can find the exact information in the manual as well as often in the data sheets on the manufacturer's websites and on price comparison portals such as

TV instead of multiple monitors: If you want a lot of screen space that a small cat can hardly fall over, you might be happy with a television, as another Reddit user proves:

Gamer has been using a TV as a PC screen for almost two years and is thrilled

If you are a cat owner yourself: Has it ever happened to you that your PC or components have been damaged by the animal? Or do you generally keep your animal away from your PC as much as possible? Do you also think that the Reddit user should have taken better precautions in this case or was he just very unlucky? Feel free to write it in the comments!
