PLAY3.DE: After more than ten years it's over

After ten years as an editor and even more years as a moderator, I'm saying goodbye. However, I wanted to leave my final words for my colleagues and the community. With that in mind, I wish you all the best.

As the saying goes, “With age comes wisdom.” I won’t claim that I’ve become wiser in all the years I’ve worked as an editor, moderator or even administrator on PLAY3.DE and its sister sites PLAYM.DE and PS4NEWS.DE. But I’ve learned a lot. And today that era ends for me.


You initially had me as basslerNNP in the forum and later under news articles as Tobias Stueckmann In January 2012, I took over the position of moderator and tormented many users with warnings, reprimands and bans. From July 1st, 2014, I also worked as an editor and provided you with the latest news from the gaming industry every day via the above-mentioned pages. During trade fairs, I worked together with Michael Seidl, Dennis Leschnikowski and Thomas Ruch tirelessly through days and nights.

I thank you for the years of cooperation, the trust and all the discussions, laughs and excitement we had in the editorial office.

But I have also loved the community over the years. I have made some very good friends through the sites, who will continue to be with me in the future. I have also developed some arch enemies, which I am now officially putting to rest. You can't always agree, especially when you have different opinions. I have always tried to be fair and to set an appropriate example for our other moderator teams.

I would like to thank all our users and readers, both former and current, for their trust and understanding. Please don't make life too difficult for the other moderators when I'm no longer there.


With this in mind, I would also like to say a big thank you to all my fellow moderators. Whether they are the veterans of this site or the heads and hearts of the teams on the sister sites. I have always appreciated your willingness. And in the case of PLAY3.DE, I now leave the field to you.

Finally, a few words about our younger editors. I've mentioned it before in other situations, but I'm so happy that you've found your way onto our team. You've given the site new energy and always manage to come up with new ideas. I wish you all the best for the future. Sven Raabe, Dominik Kaufmann, Michael Deckert and all other editors. Thank you.

I wish all my colleagues and the site all the best. Although I will now concentrate on new tasks and challenges outside the video game industry, I will try to keep in touch from time to time. This marks the end of my career as an editor and my term as moderator.


Tobias Stückmann aka basslerNNP

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