Plagiarism, Homage, or Inspiration? Uncovering the similarities between two iconic cult franchises

Game news Plagiarism, homage or inspiration? These two cult franchises are similar and we explain why!


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In art and culture, many draw inspiration from what has already been created and video games are no exception to this rule. Today, we return to the Warcraft and Warhammer franchises in order to understand where their similarities come from. Discover this story in our podcast, available on all platforms!


War never dies

For several decades, the games Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Starcraft have been plagued by rumors by some players, claiming that Blizzard, at the origin of these franchises, was inspired by Warhammer, created by Games Workshop. These two companies will therefore be at the heart of this story for this JV Legends.

The Warhammer universe appeared in the 80s. Board games, magazines and even novels, the imagination around the franchise developed and served as a framework for the release of its wargame, a strategy game based on the purchase of figurines to create your army. Games Workshop's little protégé comes in two very different periods. Ages of Sigmar immerses you in a dark fantasy universe, while Warhammer 40,000 offers a more futuristic setting that could be described as science fantasy.

But then, what do players criticize Blizzard for? The parent company of Warcraft and Starcraft, iconic strategy games that need no introduction. To discover the complex origins of these legendary titles, It is here and on all podcast applications (Spotify, Apple Poscast…) that it happens. Yes, JV is now moving into podcasts by adapting JV Legends to a 100% audio format. Of course, remember to subscribe so you don't miss any of the craziest stories from the world of video games!

JV Legends, but… in podcast!

If you are subscribed to our YouTube channel, you know our column: JV Legends. We cover the craziest and most exciting stories in the industry. From now on, every Wednesday, we invite you to listen to a new story. While doing your shopping, before sleeping, while cleaning or exercising, you can follow this new format absolutely everywhere! However, if you are wondering if this is a simple copy and paste of the YouTube videos that are already on the channel, you are wrong. This new version has been completely reworked to be even more pleasant to listen to. However, if you like the video format more, you can always go to our YouTube channel to discover all the episodes.

The episode on the creation of Tetris is not the only one that you can find on podcast. Now you can listen to the birth of The Legend of Zeldathe story of Final Fantasy Versus 13 or discover the history of Fortnite…To make sure you don't miss a single episode, don't forget to subscribe on the platform you prefer! Deezer, Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast…You are spoiled for choice!

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