PC release postponed and improvements explained

The sequel to “Frostpunk” will not be released on July 24th after all. As 11 Bit Studios announced today on Steam, they have decided to postpone it by two months. The new release date is September 20th.

For the time being, the survival building title will only be available for PC. However, versions for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S will follow at a later date. Due to the delay, console players will also have to wait longer than expected.


The reason for the delay is the feedback from players on the beta version. The “prioritization” of certain content that is still to be added also plays a role. In order to release the best possible version of “Frostpunk 2”, the development team needs more time.

Frostpunk 2 to be released in full

“We know this isn't the news you wanted to hear. However, we believe these additional features are something you should see in the game on day one and not in a patch added after launch,” writes 11 Bit Studios, among other things.

Current updates include additions to game mechanics, extensive UI and UX improvements, and a new city feature called Zoom Stories, a way to zoom into specific parts of the city to observe the lives of citizens.

The list is far too long to tell you everything. In fact, “only a fraction” was mentioned. Therefore, the improvements mentioned are by no means everything.


11 Bit Studios would like to thank all fans for their feedback and promises that the wait will be worth it. The team also plans to inform the community about the implementation of the above-mentioned features in the coming weeks.

In this real-time strategy game, you have to manage the last populated city of humanity in an ice age scenario. One problem here is the constantly growing population, which is why you have to act wisely. Drastic decisions are necessary, and then hostile factions also appear.

Source: Steam

More news about Frostpunk 2.

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