Pax Dei: When will our test come?

You should be able to build such castles in Pax Dei. The GameStar test will soon clarify whether this is fun.

You should be able to build such castles in Pax Dei. The GameStar test will soon clarify whether this is fun.


A new MMO always causes a sensation. In the case of Pax Dei, it is primarily fans of an open sandbox game design who are happy about today's release. This is because the game with a medieval setting gives the players themselves responsibility for what happens on the online servers.

Speaking of servers: Up to 8,000 people are initially expected to be able to play on one of them, and this limit will be increased even further during the Early Access campaign. Developer Mainframe Industries expects not before June 2025 with a final version 1.0.

Pax Dei will be available to purchase on Steam from June 18, 2024 for around 40 euros. But a test for publication was not possible. However, we have already summarized all relevant information about the game in a practical overview. You can also find the launch trailer here:


Pax Dei - The fun medieval sandbox launches into Early Access in June
Pax Dei - The fun medieval sandbox launches into Early Access in June

Start video


Pax Dei – The fun medieval sandbox launches into Early Access in June

Why no test at release?

Due to the always-online nature of Pax Dei, there was no prior release no trial versionsThe access codes were only recently sent out, the servers open today and were previously only accessible to a select group of alpha players.

However, we were already able to take a closer look at the game: Author Dennis Zirkler was introduced to the game mechanics by the developers and was able to ask many questions about Pax Dei. Therefore, he was the logical candidate for the GameStar test.

Pax Dei – View first screenshots of the fantasy MMO

How we test Pax Dei

This week, Dennis is pushing himself to the limit for you to see as much of Pax Dei's content as quickly as possible, to give his verdict on the Early Access and to help you make your purchase decision. Our plan for the coming days is as follows:

  • During this week Dennis gives a first brief summary of the game: How is the technology? Are there many bugs? Does the gameplay feel good?
  • Next week Depending on the scope of the Early Access version of Pax Dei, there will be another update or a complete test with a preliminary rating box.
  • At the same time, GameStar veteran Maurice Weber is also playing diligently, and his and Dennis' impressions are used to create a test video. This appears at a later time.
  • On you will also find around the release News about first player opinions, possible problems as well as tips and tricks for Pax Dei.

By the way: Pax Dei currently has “mostly negative” reviews on Steam. Reviewers are primarily criticizing the poor performance. Even with a brand new graphics card, the game apparently doesn't run anywhere near smoothly.

If you're already playing, feel free to write your experiences in the comments. And if you're still undecided, just ask Dennis your questions about Pax Dei, which he will then try to answer in the test.
