Patent fuels rumors about a possible PS3 emulator

In recent days, rumors have surfaced again about a possible PS3 emulator for the PS5. A recent patent from Sony is causing further speculation.

Currently, PS3 classics can only be played via the cloud on the PS5 As in the last few days, two sources reportedSony is said to be working on native PS3 support for the PS5.


While the Japanese company does not want to comment on the rumors, a recent patent from Sony is currently causing new discussion. The patent describes a technology that makes it possible to test the backward compatibility of software in a mode that simulates various problems.

According to the description, the mode is designed to “intentionally cause distortions.” Basically, “to create timing variations that can negatively affect the execution of the software.”

A stress test for older games?

The patent also describes a device, which could theoretically be the PS5, running a “timing test mode” that acts as a kind of stress test for older games. This in turn could allow developers to track down technical problems and deficiencies in the execution of the code.

As is well known, Sony relied on the complex Cell technology for the PS3, which makes native support of PS3 games on other platforms very complicated.


With the test mode described in the new patent, Sony could provide developers with an environment in which they can simulate the peculiarities of the PS3 hardware or their games on the PS5.

The developers could then identify the issues and adjust the compatibility settings accordingly to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

How extensive is the possible PS3 support?

It is currently unclear how extensive the possible native PS3 support for the PS5 could be in practice. Giant Bombs Jeff Grubb, who is already first spoke about the topicfor example, would like to know about an emulator that requires a lot of work due to the complex PS3 hardware.

The “Xbox Era” co-founder and industry insider Nick Baker, however, spoke a few days ago of a “selective native support”A statement that could indicate that Sony will initially only make selected PS3 titles available for the PS5.

Since those responsible at Sony remain silent on the subject, we should of course take the rumors about possible PS3 support with the necessary caution.

Source: Respawn First

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