Palworld Type Chart: What are the Pals' weaknesses and resistances?

News tip Palworld Type Chart: What are the Pals' weaknesses and resistances?


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Do you want to defeat a Pal, but the weaknesses and resistances of its type are causing you problems? In this Palworld article, we explain how the type table works!


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The importance of knowing the type table in Palworld

Like Pokémon or Temtem, each Pal has one or more types. These types all have a weakness as well as a resistance that is important to know to emerge victorious from all fights, especially boss fights.

This type mechanic is important for building a party in Palworld, because if you don't have the types needed to weaken wild or opposing Pals, you won't be able to emerge victorious from a fight.. For example, if you use a Water-type Pal against a Fire-type Pal, the aquatic creature will be able to inflict double damage on the other. On the other hand, if you use a Water Pal against an Electricity Pal, you will inflict half the base damage on your opponent and you will suffer double the damage.

Palworld Type Chart: What are the Pals' weaknesses and resistances?

Note that the types do not take into account bonuses linked to the food you make for your Pals, nor to the special traits they may have. Here we are talking about brute force, without taking into consideration the different bonuses or penalties that your Pals may have.

Be aware that in Palworld, there is no type stronger than others, even though the Fire type deals more damage over two types. Each type has a weakness and resistance, and none is truly above the others.

The type table in Palworld

Palworld's type chart is pretty easy to understand if you've ever dabbled with Pokémon at least once, but there are times when some elements might be missing. Find below all the information relating to the weaknesses and resistances of all types available in Palworld. You will notice very quickly that the weakest Pals are unfortunately those who do not have elements (Non-elemental). They have no type bonus, making them the least powerful Pals to engage in combat.

Palworld Type Chart: What are the Pals' weaknesses and resistances?
  • Fire Type
    • Strength: Ice and Grass
    • Weakness: Water
  • Grass Type
    • Strength: Earth
    • Weakness: Fire
  • Type Earth
    • Strength: Electricity
    • Weakness: Fire
  • Type Electricity
    • Strength: Water
    • Weakness: Earth
  • Water Type
    • Strength: Fire
    • Weakness: Electricity
  • Ice Type
    • Strength: Dragon
    • Weakness: Fire
  • Dragon type
    • Strength: Darkness
    • Weakness: Ice
  • Dark Type
    • Strength: Non-elemental
    • Weakness: Dragon
  • Type Non-elementary
    • Strength: None
    • Weakness: Darkness

Knowing this information, it will be interesting to compose teams with Pals that increase the damage of other Pals of a particular type or by playing on dual types. With a good knowledge of your Pals, you will be able to find a team for each type of opponent.

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