Palworld: How to use Canine Parts

The recent Sakurajima update of Palworld brought its share of new features, whether it was new Pals or new materials. Thus, players were able to discover the existence of a new currency, the Canine Coins. Here is everything you need to know about the Canine Coins, how to get them and especially how to use them.

How to get Dog Coins in Palworld

Appearing with the Sakurajima expansion, Canine Coins are quite easy to collect. The first way to obtain them in Palworld is to defeat as many Mimog as possible. These new Pals added with the new update can be found all over the world map. They are hard to miss with their appearance of a chest with cat ears and a hanging tongue. However, while finding them is very simple, you will have to defeat them quickly or they will run away. And one thing is for sure, the Mimog is a fast Pal, very fast.


Another method to stock up on Canine Parts is to search all the piles of scrap metal that you come across on your route. Like Mimogs, they can be found in all areas of the world from Palworld. And if they provide a little less Canine Parts at a time, the scrap piles at least have the merit of not trying to run away from you at the slightest opportunity.

It is also possible to recover some Canine Coins by opening treasure chests, although their quantity will be rather small. Finally, some hostile human enemies such as the Syndicate Thugs will also be able to leave you some Canine Coins once defeated.

How to use your Canine Parts

After collecting this brand new wealth, the idea is to be able to exchange your Canine Coins for different items and materials. To do this, you will need to find the NPC, Medal Merchant. You will be able to meet him at the entrance to the disused Church and thus trade with him.

Location of the Medal Merchant at the Abandoned Church

While some of the items for sale are purely cosmetic, others will provide very interesting bonuses for players. Note that all the elixirs sold by the Medal Merchant can also be crafted by players with resources that are more or less easy to recover.


All items sold by the Medal Merchant

Mysterious Accessory BoxA mysterious box whose interior synchronizes with the body of its owner. Grants an additional accessory slot.100
Mystery Accessory BoxA mysterious box whose interior synchronizes with the body of its owner. Grants one more accessory slot.1000
Cattiva HatA hat in the shape of a Cattiva.50
Lamball's HelmA helmet in the shape of a Lamball.50
Cawgnito HatA hat in the shape of Cawgnito.50
Helm of DumudA helmet in the shape of Dumud.50
Sibelyx HatA hat in the shape of a Sibelyx.50
Lyleen's Floral HatA floral ornament in the shape of Lyleen.50
Courier's Ring +1Increases the player's max weight.50
Four-season underwear +1An accessory offering resistance to cold and heat.100
Fruit of lifeA precious fruit that you don't see every day. Slightly increases a Pal's HP.500
Fruit of strengthA precious fruit that you don't see every day. Slightly increases a Pal's attack.500
Fruit of robustnessA precious fruit that you don't see every day. Slightly increases a Pal's defense.500
Vitality PanaceaA valuable drink that increases HP permanently. No effect on Pals.350
Energy panaceaA precious drink that permanently increases stamina. No effect on Pals.350
Panacea of ​​FuryA valuable drink that permanently increases attack. No effect on Pals.350
Panacea of ​​effrotA valuable drink that permanently increases work speed. No effect on Pals.350
Panacea of ​​colossusA valuable drink that increases max weight permanently. No effect on Pals.350
Concentrated Universal Pal ExtractA mysterious extract that can be injected into Pals to unlock their potential. Allows the Pal to move to the next rank. A voice full of resentment seems to emanate from it…2000
