Online Shooter Game: A Victim of Abandonment and Chaos

Game news This online shooter is going through hell! It had everything to be a hit but it was brutally abandoned in total chaos fueled by its publisher, developers and players.


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In space, no one hears them scream. Fortunately, there is Steam and social networks.


What's happening in space?

If you don't know Boundary, we can't blame you. This title, which has generally gone under the radar, nevertheless has an original bias: in this military FPS, you are asked to eliminate your opponents using automatic firearms. Nothing very amusing so far, you say? Maybe… except that in Boundary, the action takes place in space. The concept therefore takes an unusual turn in competitive FPS, since all the gameplay and all the level design are based on the absence of gravity. We must therefore rely on various platforms and carry out long trajectories while having to be careful to land well, otherwise we risk drifting forever in space. The fights are strangely nervous, and reminiscent of certain sequences from Call of Duty: Ghosts. During Summer Game Fest 2022, the software stood out during the Guerrilla Collective and its future seemed promising.

A decision taken with seriousness

Unfortunately, everything did not go as planned. As explained to us PC Gaming, despite over 100,000 copies sold (at a price of $25) in 24 hours and positive reviews on Steam, Boundary is simply adrift. The game's publisher, Skystone Games, has decided to abandon its edition, because “significant delays and a notable absence of content updates” we read. He adds : “Despite our efforts and support, the developer has been unable to provide the updates and improvements needed to keep the game thriving. This has caused growing concern within our community, and we share your frustration.”.

This online shooter is going through hell! It had everything to be a hit but it was brutally abandoned in total chaos fueled by its publisher, developers and players.

Pointed out by its publisher, the development studio, Surgical Scalpels, did not take long to respond. “SkyStone's unilateral decision to stop publishing Boundary is extremely sudden and unreasonable for the studio and players. We immediately negotiated with SkyStone after receiving the notification, but unfortunately we were unable to change the decision”. The developers explain that they want to recover the publishing rights of the title in order to be able to “relaunch. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, no agreement has been reached and everything indicates that Boundary will disappear permanently. This bad news led to review bombing on Steam: as you can imagine, players who paid for early access feel wronged. It’s a fact: nothing is going right for Boundary and its community.

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