Oh dear, Google, why? Sensation: crucial change revealed

In addition to iPhone and Samsung Galaxy There is still room on the market for another Smartphone competitor? This question wants Google with a clear “yes” since 2010. Until 2016, the company released smartphones under the brand “Nexus”, largely without great success. That changed with the reorientation and renaming to “Pixels” from 2016.

The Pixel series is against Samsung and Apple difficult, but has been able to achieve some Gain market share. Soon the new smartphone generation from Google and this represents a fundamental change at.


Google smartphones are becoming increasingly popular

Anyone who looks at people’s smartphones outside has certainly noticed: More and more people have a Pixel smartphone. In recent years, Google continuously gain market share. But it is not just due to increasing success.

Since the Pixel 6, i.e. for three generations now, Google has been relying on a unique look of the camera element. The result: It is very easy to recognize who is a Pixel smartphone But apparently Google now wants everything different make like a new Leak proves.

Leak reveals what Google hasn’t shown yet

On July 2nd, a surprising post appeared on the social media platform “X” (formerly Twitter). Video surfaced, which has not yet been officially revealed Pixel 9 in all its glory shows, and not only that. The new Google smartphone is also available in a bright, new color which will surely be a topic of conversation.


The X-user “Hani Mohamed Bioud” reveals the Google Pixel 9 already Months before release. This year, as usual, it is likely that Google will be back in October. Then Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 XL officially come onto the market. Google may also launch the PixelFold 2 and thus the second generation of his Foldable smartphones out.

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But not only the bright pink color, but above all a crucial change in the Pixel 9 becomes clear in the leaked video.

Did Google make the right decision?

With the Pixel 9, Google is finally saying goodbye to the camera design that has been familiar for three years and is giving the Pixel smartphones thus a completely new look. Instead of a continuous element, Google now on a “Camera Island”, as the competition has been doing for years. But is that a good decision?

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