Nintendo wants to fight against scalpers and the solution sounds plausible

The Switch 2 is expected to be launched next year. But how does Nintendo plan to counter scalpers?

The PS5, released at the end of 2020, was affected by significant supply shortages due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To make matters worse, scalpers often got ahead of regular customers using their bots and offered their loot on eBay and other sites with significant price markups.


While it is still unclear when the unannounced PS5Pro will be launched on the market, is Switch 2 another hardware is in the starting blocks. The Reveal period is knownNintendo also has a plan to effectively combat scalpers.

Switch 2 – Nintendo wants to deprive scalpers of their basis

During a shareholders meeting, Nintendo executives were confronted with the question of how the company intends to counter the activities of scalpers.

The solution is, on the surface, quite simple. The company's main plan to combat resale is to ensure that players don't have to resort to resellers, as they can buy the console in regular retail stores. Nintendo wants to produce enough units of the Switch 2 so that supply shortages don't even arise.

“As a countermeasure against resale, we believe the most important thing is to produce sufficient quantities to meet customer demand. And this idea has not changed since last year,” said Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa.


Unpredictable market conditions can sometimes ruin such plans, as Sony found out during the launch phase of the PS5. Some retailers got quite creative:

Semiconductor shortage is no longer an issue

According to Furukawa, the semiconductor shortage, which has negatively affected the ability of many companies to produce new hardware in recent years, is no longer an issue.

“Last year and the year before, we were unable to produce sufficient quantities of Nintendo Switch hardware due to a shortage of semiconductor components, but this situation has now been resolved,” he explained. Therefore, he does not believe that there will be any restrictions on the production of the Switch successor at this point.

Ultimately, Nintendo wants to take a multi-pronged approach to combating scapulars and seems to have other measures in store. For example, they want to take additional measures taking into account the circumstances and legal options in the individual regions.

Further news about the Switch 2:

It is not yet known when the Switch 2 – or whatever the new Nintendo console will be called – will be launched. Given the imminent announcement, the console is likely to be on retailers' shelves by Christmas 2025.

More news about Nintendo Switch 2.

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