Nintendo Switch Online version of Perfect Dark suffers from multiple technical issues

Good news : Perfect Dark is now available for Switch Online expansion pack subscribers. Bad news: the game has many bugs and problems missing from the original version on Nintendo 64.

The GoldenEye 007 enthusiast, Graslu00explored the Switch Online version of Perfect Dark and identified several issues that affect gameplay in various ways. Some are minor, while others significantly complicate the gaming experience compared to the original.


Here is an overview of the problems observed:

Sound Problems

  1. Low Volume: The overall sound of the game is considerably lower than in the Nintendo 64 version. Players often have to turn up the volume on their console or TV to properly hear dialogue, sound effects, and music.

Faulty Visual Effects

  1. Vertigo Effect: The dizziness effect, used in certain sequences of the game to simulate a state of disorientation, is poorly implemented and can sometimes cause the screen to freeze. This makes these sequences not only unpleasant but sometimes unplayable.
  2. Cannon Smoke: The smoke emitted by weapon barrels causes significant slowdowns in the game. This performance issue is particularly notable during intense combat where several shots are exchanged.
  3. Bright Flare Effect: The light flare effect, which should appear when bright lights are present, is broken. It appears through weapons and walls, which detracts from immersion and can be visually distracting.
  4. Explosions: The explosions are more transparent and less intense than in the original version, which reduces the visual impact of the fights.
  5. Debris of Broken Objects: Debris generated from object destruction is mostly absent. This takes away an aspect of realism and visual satisfaction when objects are destroyed.

Music Problems

  1. Missing Music: Some action songs, such as those played during the Villa hostage rescue mission or the Deep Sea escape, do not play as expected. Additionally, if a player quickly restarts a level, the music may not play until the game is paused and restarted.

Gameplay Issues

  1. Entry Delay: There is a noticeable delay between player actions and the game's response. This input delay can make the game more difficult and frustrating, especially in sequences requiring quick reflexes.
  2. Incorrect Sensitivity: The sensitivity of the controls is not properly adjusted, which can make aiming and movement imprecise compared to the original.

Minor Texture Issues

  1. Textures: Some in-game textures appear incorrect or poorly rendered. While this isn't a major issue, it can affect the overall viewing experience and immersion.

Hopefully, Nintendo is already aware of these issues and is actively working to resolve them.

“Perfect Dark,” developed by Rare and published by Nintendo, is a first-person shooter released for the Nintendo 64 in 2000. As a spiritual sequel to “GoldenEye 007,” an already groundbreaking title, “Perfect Dark” not only inherited the success of its predecessor, but also set new standards in the FPS (First-Person Shooters) genre.

The plot of “Perfect Dark” takes place in 2023 (ouch, ouch) and follows the adventures of Joanna Dark, a secret agent working for the Carrington Institute. The game stands out for its complex storyline that mixes espionage, science fiction and conspiracy. Joanna is tasked with uncovering the plans of a rival company, dataDyne, and quickly finds herself embroiled in a secret war between two alien races, the Maians and the Skedars.


“Perfect Dark” has been praised for its gameplay innovations. It offered a variety of futuristic weapons and gadgets, each with alternate firing modes, adding unprecedented strategic depth. The game also incorporated stealth elements, where players sometimes had to avoid direct combat to successfully complete their missions.

One of the most notable features of “Perfect Dark” was its multiplayer mode. The game not only allowed split-screen play, but also featured AI-controlled bots, a novelty for the time. This allowed players to fully customize their multiplayer sessions, adding considerable replayability.

The success of “Perfect Dark” led to several re-releases and adaptations. In 2005, a sequel, “Perfect Dark Zero,” was released for the Xbox 360. In 2010, a high-definition remastered version of “Perfect Dark” was released for Xbox Live Arcade, bringing graphical enhancements and gameplay tweaks.
