Nintendo Switch 2: Nintendo takes action against scalpers – Nintendo SWITCH 2

After years of rumors, theofficial announcement of the successor of the Nintendo Switch, commonly called Nintendo SWITCH 2 Or NS2is now expected Before March 2025.

If for the moment, we know nothing about this new console, if not thatit will belong to the Nintendo Switch familywe obviously expect it to create an event when it comes out. If Nintendo does well and successfully makes the transition, it could even be that the new console generates very strong demand with, ultimately, a risk of shortage for the greatest joy of scalpers of the whole world.


For the record, the scalpers are people who speculate on the success and stock shortages of an object or device that they then buy in bulk in order to be able to resell them later at a high price.

It's a now well-known phenomenon that seems almost inevitable when a new console is released. However, it seems that Nintendo be determined to counter it with the Nintendo SWITCH 2.

At the last general meeting of shareholders of Nintendothe president of the company, Shuntaro Furukawa​ has indeed say again that this time, players will not have to turn to the parallel reseller market because they will be able to buy their console in store. For this, Nintendo will simply anticipate demand and produce enough consoles to avoid shortages.

A promise reiterated in the uncertain context of “semiconductor crisis“(materials, both electrically conductive and insulating, which are now essential for the operation of consoles but also smartphones, tablets and even certain cars, the demand for which has exploded) even if Shuntaro Furukawa wants to be reassuring by stating that unlike 2022this crisis should not affect the production of the new model.


So, if successful, the NS2 Will it be able to avoid stock shortages? We will obviously have to wait for the console to be released to see. However, if some rumors claim that Nintendo has postponed the release of its new console from 2024 to 2025 In order to offer it a solid catalog of games, it is also possible that the firm wanted to secure its production chain and ensure a sufficient number of consoles at launch.

While waiting for official information, don't hesitate to tell us what you think in the comments.

Nintendo May Take Steps to Counter Scalpers When NS2 Releases

