Nintendo finally brings about the revolution

While many fans continue waiting in vain for the official announcement of the Switch 2Nintendo has announced at the latest Direct edition a real hammer unpacked. No, we do not mean the announcement of the release date of The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2Rather, the traditional Japanese forge has completely unexpectedly a new Zelda for the Nintendo Switch announced. This offers not much less than a revolutionWe summarize all the important details for you.

When will the new Zelda be released for the Switch?

In the latest Direct issue Nintendo has just caused a real sensation. Although there was also still no sign of the long-awaited Switch 2But one particular announcement is likely to cause almost as much excitement: a new Zelda game for the first Switch console. It is said The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom and should already on 26 September 2024 appear. Accordingly, fans have to just wait three monthsbefore they can throw themselves into the adventure again. This time there is a big special feature.


The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom offers a revolution

Unlike most other games in the legendary Nintendo series, this time you do not slip into in the role of Linkbut from Princess Zelda. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is an action adventure in 2Dwhich focuses primarily on puzzles and their creative solutions.

The princess's most important task is to save Hyrule, as Link is his fight against Ganon suddenly disappeared. Zelda has a kind of magic staff with which she can manipulate and even copy objects. This way she is able to move extremely heavy boulders from one place to another. She can also Detect echoes of various monsters and use them in battle against other creatures.

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Nintendo will surely reveal further details over the next few weeks and months. A first standalone trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is still a long way off. Fortunately, you can watch the first gameplay scenes in the recording of the latest edition of Nintendo Direct view.

Source: Nintendo
