New World – New World unveils its first expansion “Rise of the Angry Earth”: mounts, artifacts and progression

During a recent press presentation, Amazon Games announced the first expansion for its MMORPG New World, titled Rise of the Angry Earth.Scheduled for October 3, 2023, this extension promises to add new content (expedition, lore…) and highly anticipated features (mounts, new artifact system), as well as vertical progression (level, score of equipment, profession, attribute threshold).

Scot Lane (Game Director of New World) opened the conference by presenting the most significant changes made to the game since its release, among which we find in particular the system of seasons, the new expeditions, the introduction of a main quest, the 3v3 arenas, etc.As if to tell us that they are all systems and experience acquired by the development team forming the basis for the addition of this new extension.


riseof the Angry Earth features Artemis, a fearsome figure who plans to conquer Aeternum with his enraged Earth legions. The extension will be sold around $30 and will be released on October 3, 2023.Its main functions will be:

  • The introduction of mounts;
  • Level maximum increased to 65;
  • Maximum gear level increased to 700;
  • Maximum profession level increased to 250;
  • Artifact: new type of weapons and armor;
  • New weapon: The Scourge;
  • Area of ​​(ex) Levant transformed: Elysian Wilds;
  • New Expedition: The Savage Divide;
  • New rune: Primal Fury;
  • Influence revamp: still planned with expansion and season 3.

Mounts: a long-awaited feature

The introduction of mounts is one of the most anticipated new features, the most requested feature over the past two years according to the developers.Scott even said: “We wanted to expect everything to be perfect, we wanted to provide a high quality frame experience”.

The expansion offers three distinct types of mounts: horses, wolves and an array of feline companions, all customizable with skins, accessories and names to choose from.This addition not only introduces a new dimension of exploration, but also “a sense of camaraderie as players bond with their chosen mounts”.

A new skill (tradeskill – profession) riding allows players to evolve their mounts and participate in racing quests, improving their riding ability.


The mounts are:

  • available around level 25 (after Everfall);
  • faster than racing in any case;
  • faster on the roads (as in racing);
  • callable anywhere/when;
  • three distinct types of mounts: horses, felines, wolves (the horse is the first);
  • customizable: appearance, stuff parts, dyes;
  • they can have a name;
  • tradeskill associated with mounts (up to 250);
  • the rise in tradeskill influences the speed of the mount;
  • ditto for the stuff (more endurance for boost for example);
  • introductory quest to introduce the mechanics;
  • account-bound mount skins;
  • usable in town, but with speed limits, sprint etc.;
  • not usable in war.

Vertical progression and drops

A significant overhaul of the game’s progression system is another essential part of the expansion.Dave, the speaker who took over from Scot, delved into the intricacies of character progression, revealing that level cap increased to 65, giving players new attributes and increased power.Gear scores (from 625 to 700) and profession skill caps (from 200 to 250) have also been increased, giving players more opportunities.

Progression Changes :

  • level 65 (and therefore new attribute points linked to these levels);
  • gear score increased to 700;
  • new attribute thresholds at 250 (redesigned) and 350;
  • tradeskills go up to 250;
  • desire to have less RNG in craft (craft 250), see”prismatic beetles”.

Major overhaul of the loot system:

  • removal of expertise;
  • removed torments/wards perks;
  • the loots will be oriented by zone and by content;
  • drops will be influenced by what the player wears and their role;
  • less trash loot ;
  • new faction rank (new quest, new purchasable items).

New Artifact system

One of the most striking novelties is the introduction of artifacts, a powerful level of weapons, armor and jewelry.Found during various activities, these artifacts evolve as players complete various objectives, unlocking perks that “redefine their style of play”.The artifact system is meant to bring depth and diversity to combat and strategy, catering to each player’s different preferences and approaches.

Artifacts :

  • Artifacts are a new type of weapons and armor;
  • lootable in mutations, events, chest runs etc.;
  • these are items that a series of quests will unlock unique perks ;
  • at the end, they will have six perks;
  • only one fair weapon and armor/jewel “artifact” at a time;
  • for example, “Plague” is a blunderbuss that also generates burn damage. It’s the only one in play.

Transformed Levant – Elysian Wilds

One of the most amazing features of the expansion is the transformation of the Levant area into Elysian Wilds, now under the control of Artemis.This change breathes new life into the game world, adding dynamic landscapes.The Introduction of Expedition The Savage Divide takes players on a journey through cavernous landscapes filled with puzzles, rewards, and daunting lordsbeasts.

Elysian Wilds :

  • deeply altered by the powers of Artemis and by the Enraged Earth;
  • ferocious monsters and vicious flora;
  • a new main quest around Artemis and the Beast Lords.

The Savage Divide (New Expedition) :

  • Level 62 Expedition;
  • Cavernous area to encounter Beast Lords;
  • puzzles;
  • Two bumps.

Primal Fury: A Heart Rune Story

To further immerse players in the theme of the expansion, a captivating ability of the heart rune, called Primal Fury, has been unveiled. This ability transforms characters, enlarges them and gives them unique powers.The connection to the Beast Lords of Elysian Wilds is evident in the changes of gameplay and the visual transformations that accompany this ability.

Primal Fury:

  • “release the beast within you” ;
  • a nice animation (the character doubles its size);
  • strikes with bare hands in heavy or light attack.

New Weapon: The Scourge

Designed to provide versatility “unprecedented”, the Flail is a one-handed weapon that opens up new strategic possibilities for adventurers.Dave Verfaillie, lead Systems Designer, claims that the Flail can be used with or without a shield, allowing players to adopt defensive or offensive styles of play.Additionally, the flail’s abilities are enhanced by magical manipulations, providing the ability to support allies or disrupt opponents.With varied skills and adaptive mechanics, the Scourge offers a new perspective for players looking to explore Aeternum in a whole new way.

The scourge :

  • a one-handed weapon, possibly equipped with a shield;
  • aggressive gameplay for support roles and tank ;
  • thought for offtank or healers;
  • uses magic to increase attacks, buffer the allies or debuffer enemies.

A turning point for New World?

While the landscape of MMORPGs continues to evolve, the extension Rise of the Angry Earthof New World emphasizes storytelling, progression and exploration.Rather, this expansion aims to solidify New World’s position as a dynamic online world.

With a release date set for October 3, 2023players will have the opportunity to re-immerse themselves in the universe of Aeternum and explore what Rise of the Angry Earth has to offer.The expansion’s features, storytelling, and gameplay changes are all things that will freshen up the gaming experience.

The overhaul of the loot system and emphasis on progression, in addition to the reorganization of the starting experience that took place last year, should allow players to catch up in terms of equipment.The development team is committed to ensuring an upgrade experience “more natural and more pleasant”.

It should be noted that the extension will be chargeable (around $30) and that the PTR should open very soon.
