New Cyberpunk Game Aims to Surpass Expectations with Bold Moves

The first opus had already made an impression, notably thanks to its immersion, and CD Projekt RED plans to go even further with Cyberpunk 2. That's promising.

While the development of Cyberpunk 2077 is finished, CD Projekt RED finally considers itself satisfied with the state of the game, it can now devote itself fully to The Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk 2. The second gave its news via the latest podcast from the Polish studio. In particular, it would be a question of giving a stronger identity for this sequel in order to improve its immersion.


Cyberpunk 2 should be more faithful to its roots

Let's remember that Cyberpunk 2 is being developed by the North American branch of CD Projekt RED, with two offices based in Boston and Vancouver. A choice that is clearly far from trivial, as its executive producer Dan Hernberg points out in the latest AnsweRED podcast. I think Cyberpunk is a decidedly American story. It has a lot of punk energy and was written by an American. It therefore seems right to us to develop the sequel in America “.

Despite doing a rather remarkable job of displaying Night City's American roots, Paweł Sasko, associate director of Cyberpunk 2, felt that the team made some mistakes in this direction. We know the Polish studio's keen eye for detail, bordering on perfectionism. But certain elements of 2077 still had European rather than American roots, the title having been developed in Poland, in the main offices of CD Projekt RED.

Despite a development in Poland, the representation of Night City amazed many in 2077. © CD Projekt RED

A sequel that wants to be American through and through

Paweł Sasko takes a rather comical example to justify his point, referring to the manholes in the first opus. “ The manhole covers were more like what you see in Europe. Not what you're used to seeing in America. “. He continues his argument by stating everything we should expect to see in Cyberpunk 2. ” When you go there, you see fire hydrants with a particular appearance. Same thing for lighting or trash cans, which are found in front of houses, right on the street. These are not things that we see in the same way in Poland or in Europe “.

Dan Herberg continues Paweł Sasko's journey regarding CD Projekt RED's ambitions for Cyberpunk 2. “ Everything is slightly different between Europe and America. This won't completely break the immersion, but it's all these little touches that bring coherence to the whole thing. We want to give the impression that the game was made by people actually living in America “. However, we will have to be patient to see the result of this more American work. The Polish studio's priority is currently The Witcher 4, which should enter production this year. The sequel to 2077 therefore risks being desired for a long time to come.

