Netflix is ​​apparently planning a free tariff for Germany and it should be based on something we have known for decades

Netflix free? Apparently the streaming service is planning a subscription. A test has already been carried out. (Image: Niroworld -

Netflix free? Apparently the streaming service is planning a subscription. A test has already been carried out. (Image: Niroworld –


Yes, you didn’t misread the headline. Netflix, which is testing a different design, is planning to Bloomberg probably a free tariff for Germany and Japan.

Why this is important: As one of the major streaming services, Netflix would thus enter the territory of free subscriptions and thus make its programming available to more viewers.

Why Germany and Japan? In both countries, people are used to free, ad-supported TV channels, making them a good target audience for a free plan that instead shows a lot of advertising.

What could such a tariff look like? In order to cover the costs, a free subscription could be financed primarily through a lot of advertising, very similar to the advertising blocks that we know in Germany from linear free TV.


How much advertising Netflix could showis still under discussion. In its cheapest subscription for 4.99 euros, the provider shows around five minutes of advertising per hour and also offers further restrictions

This isn't the first time Netflix has done this. Already in 2021, the streaming provider Kenya a test balloon with a free version. However, the offer has since been discontinued; no reasons were given.

Kenya has already enjoyed a free Netflix subscription. (Image: Netflix)
Kenya has already enjoyed a free Netflix subscription. (Image: Netflix)

Kenya has already enjoyed a free Netflix subscription. (Image: Netflix)

When could a free subscription come? It is currently impossible to say whether it will come at all. According to Bloomberg, Netflix has not yet made a decision. As soon as there is more information, we will let you know.

Free films without advertising are available from a streaming provider that specializes in classics.

Netflix is ​​considering offering a free subscription in Germany. Do you think that's a good idea? Would you even jump at the chance? Do you think that would bring more viewers on board if they didn't have to pay any more? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments.
