Nerial’s Crush House Reality TV Game set for August 9 Release with PC Demo

The new work “The Crush House” was announced in April this year as a new work by Nerial, known for the “Reigns” series. During the currently airing “Devolver Direct 2024” showcase, a trailer was released that focuses on the filming of a reality show that viewers want, and it was revealed that the game is scheduled to be released for PC on August 9, 2024. (Steam in Japan will be on August 10)

In addition to the announcement,SteamWe have also started distributing demos for the platform.


Become Jae, producer of 1999's hottest reality show, “The Crush House!”, and take on the challenge of creating an exciting show. “The Crush House” is a “reality TV shooting game” set in a huge mansion in Malibu, where you cast, shoot, and produce for each season, and aim to create a show that will stir up romance and controversy. The game features seasons that change depending on the cast selected by the player and the ever-changing demands of the viewers, 12 cast members with eccentric personalities, strategies to satisfy the viewers' thirst, purchasing furniture using advertising revenue from commercials, exploring the mansion at night when the show is not airing, and uncovering hidden mysteries.

The Crush House

Jay has achieved his dream as producer of 1999's hottest reality TV show, “The Crash House”! With the demands and expense of casting, filming and producing every season, the demands are high and the stakes are high. Play as Jay and film budding romances and explosive drama season after season in an iconic Malibu mansion. And remember, no matter what, you have to give in to the viewers' demands or risk cancellation.

Every season is unique, depending on the cast members chosen and the ever-changing demands of the audience. The longer the show stays on the air, the more questions arise. Why are the cast members addicted to crush juice? Where does the winning slide lead? Secret conversations and good old-fashioned prying will reveal the truth… if the network doesn't get in the way.

Cast members to choose from for each season

Choose from 12 unique characters, four actors per season, and watch as tensions rise and sparks fly as their conflicting and complementary charms collide.

Quench your audience's thirst

Everyone with a TV is watching The Crash House! From foodies to single dads, sluts to… lighthouse scholars? Entertaining a large audience requires strategy.

Make money with commercials

This much entertainment can't be free, so put down the camera and earn some cash by running cool TV commercials every now and then. Use those sweet ad revenues to buy new furniture every night for your viewers and cast.

Unravel the mystery

On off-air nights, explore the house. Break the rules, talk to the cast, and discover The Crash House's dark secrets!

Source and image:Steam
