Mother Rescues Daughter’s Spider-Man 2 Livestream and Sparks Debate on Changing Times

There are stories that make you laugh as much as you notice changes in society. A few days ago, a streamer got noticed on the networks when her mother intervened live to save the day. We tell you everything.

When a streamer’s live stream is saved by her mother

It certainly hasn’t escaped your notice that it’s impossible to live in 2024 without hearing about all the different forms of entertainment tied in one way or another to live video streaming. Since the arrival of the internet and smartphones, the way of being entertained on screens has changed a lot, and live videos broadcast on Twitch, Youtube, Instagram or even TikTok have completely replaced TV among the youngest. In recent years, however, technologies have also started to attract older generations, who end up landing on TikTok or Twitch for example. Sometimes, the main motivation for taking this step is simply to support the activity of another person in your family. This is precisely the case of the mother of a streamer who recently got noticed on the networks during her live performance.


While his daughter simply continued her session on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, bubblicorn’s mother intervened live to save the day. Indeed, absorbed in the game, the strameuse had been playing for ten minutes without worrying about the chatbox or its video feedback. So she didn’t realize that she was broadcasting a scene that only showed her on the big screen, and not the game she was playing.. Spectators could therefore only see the streamer with the controller in hand without enjoying what she was doing on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. That’s when her mother called her on her phone live to say him “I see nothing ! I only see you !“. At first incredulous, the streamer then realized that her mother was watching her live and that there was a technical problem. Hilariously, bubblicorn then hung up and fixed the problem in seconds, all live in front of his audience. The scene was obviously captured in a clip which went around the networks, you can also watch it by clicking here..

Parents increasingly connected

While this story is obviously funny, it also shows that new technologies are starting to attract even previous generations. While some still only swear by TV, others have already taken the step of spending their evenings or their various breaks on Twitch or on any other network that allows live video broadcasting. It must be said that the amount of content is necessarily much greater, and that there is often a more intimate atmosphere than on television.

A mother saves her daughter's Spider-Man 2 livestream and everyone thinks that times have changed

Obviously, this is not the first time that we have seen people from previous generations interested in the most recent entertainment. For example, we have already talked here about a mother who had accumulated several thousand hours on Civilizationor even another mother who almost won a national Candy Crush contest without even realizing it. Some examples are also very well known, such as the grandmother who spends her time on Skyrim, and many others. And you, do you know people from the television generation who have moved to Twitch?
