Minecraft feature that players have been wanting for years is finally coming!

The latest major update “Tricky Trials” was recently awarded for Minecraft released and thrilled players with a variety of new content and challenges. But the latest announcement from Mojang brings a lot of joy: A feature that the Minecraft community has been wanting for years is finally being integrated into the game.

Minecraft (buy now ) is still extremely popular after more than a decade. With over 200 million copies sold worldwide and an active player base of over 126 million monthly players, the sandbox game remains a phenomenon. The constant development through updates and the lively community contribute significantly to this success.


You can look forward to this feature

The bundle item, a long-awaited wish of players, was first announced at Minecraft Live 2020. But despite the great enthusiasm, the introduction of this feature was repeatedly postponed. Now the wait seems to be finally over. The bundle is a particularly useful item: it is a craftable inventory extensionthat allow players to carry more items in their inventory. After all, we all know: The real enemy in any video game is a full inventory.

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The bundle item will soon be available in the preview and beta versions of the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. Players of the Java Edition have already been able to use bundles as an experimental game element. However, this broad introduction suggests that the item will lose its experimental character and become a permanent part of the game.

Other unused features and community requests

Mojang probably has some other features that have been gathering dust in a corner since their announcement and ultimately never got implemented. One example is Mobs who lost public voteslike the crab. Many players still hope that one day they will find their way into the game.


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The introduction of the bundle shows that Mojang is listening to the wishes of the community and is constantly working to improve Minecraft. But what do you wish for the future of Minecraft? Is there a specific feature or mob that you would really like to see in the game? Share your ideas and suggestions with us!

Source: Minecraft via YouTube
