Microsoft acknowledges that the most recent Win11 KB5039302 update will result in virtual machines endlessly restarting.

Gamingdeputy June 27 news, Microsoft released yesterday Windows 11 Optional update KB5039302, after installation by 22H2 users, the version number will be increased to Build 22621.3810; after installation by 23H2 users, the version number will be increased to Build 22631.3810.

This update brings a lot of new features, but it also introduces some new bugs. Microsoft has just updated the known issues list, confirming that KB5039302 may cause some devices to fail to start, mainly manifested by repeated restarts.


The good news is that Windows Home Edition users are unlikely to encounter this problem because the bug mainly occurs in virtualized environments.

Microsoft said that this issue is more likely to affect devices using virtual machine tools and nested virtualization features (such as CloudPC, DevBox, Azure Virtual Desktop). The relevant team is investigating to determine the exact conditions that may trigger this issue and will provide updates in upcoming releases.

Gamingdeputy attaches Windows 11 optional update KB5039302. The main improvements are as follows:

Gradual rollout: not available to all users yet

  • New feature: Added a Game Pass recommendation card on the settings homepage. After users log in to the Windows 11 system with a Microsoft account, if the user often plays games, the Game Pass recommendation card will appear on the settings homepage of the Home and Professional editions.

  • New: The “Show Desktop” button is again on the taskbar by default. To change it, right-click on the taskbar and select Taskbar settings. In the lower part of the page you can find Taskbar behavior.

  • New features: This update affects the File Explorer. Users can now create 7-Zip and tape archive (TAR) files using the right-click menu. When you right-click a file, the “Compress to” item provides ways to compress the file using tools such as gzip, bzip2, etc. There is also a new compression wizard in the additional options. It helps you choose more formats and add details. You can add many files to other TAR format archives using different types of compression. You can also change the compression level and choose the type of data to be stored in each archive.

  • New features: Support for Emoji 15.1, Windows supports Unicode-like symbol shapes for family grouping, and you can also choose right or left direction for some human emojis.

  • New feature: Users can use the Windows Share window to copy files.

  • What's new: This update begins rolling out a new account manager on the Start menu. After users sign in to Windows with a Microsoft account, they can see the benefits of their account at a glance. The feature also allows you to easily manage your account settings.

Regular launch

  • Fixed an issue where audio would be distorted when recording video using the Snipping Tool on certain PCs.

  • Fixed the issue where special characters could not be entered when using the Japanese 106 virtual keyboard.

  • Fixed an issue where ejecting a USB device using the Safely Remove Hardware option would fail.

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