Metaphor ReFantazio: Director reveals – That's why you should play through the RPG multiple times

In an interview with GameSpot, Katsura Hashino talked about the upcoming role-playing game “Metaphor: ReFantazio”. During the conversation, he told us, among other things, why he thinks we should play through the title multiple times.

Last year, Atlus and Studio Zero announced ongoing work on the role-playing game “Metaphor: ReFantazio” This will be released in autumn 2024 for the PS5, among others.


In an interview conducted by GameSpot, the game director responsible for “Metaphor: ReFantazio”, Katsura Hashino, spoke in detail about the promising RPG. The conversation revolved around the freedom of play, among other things. Compared to “Persona” or the “Shin Megami Tensei” adventures, the dungeons in “Metaphor: ReFantazio” are much more open.

In practice, this means that when exploring the dungeons, you have more freedom in terms of how you progress and which paths you want to explore.

Game Director draws a comparison with a vacation trip

According to Hashino, anyone who really wants to see everything and discover all the secrets should be prepared to play through “Metaphor: ReFantazio” several times. Regarding the content and secrets that await you in the world of the fantasy role-playing game, the game director drew a comparison with a vacation trip.

“Imagine you're going on vacation,” Hashino explains. “You go to a city and have 10 places listed in your travel diary. Some of them might take two days, some half a day. Some require a guide or more preparation. Others might be a little safer. But you can't do everything.”


The game director continued: “In this game, you travel a lot. When you arrive at your destination, you have a choice of several dungeons to play through. And all of these dungeons have different levels of difficulty. So it's kind of up to you how you spend your time.”

“This way there is much more freedom,” he concludes. You can find the complete interview with Hashino here.

A kingdom is facing its downfall

In “Metaphor: ReFantazio” our path leads us to the United Kingdom of Euchronia. The kingdom is made up of several countries and tribes that pursue different ideals and views.

When one day an unknown threat appears in the sky and the kingdom is on the verge of destruction, the hour has come for the main character, who is faced with the task of averting the impending danger.

“Determine your destiny, face your fears, and awaken the magical powers of the archetype that lie dormant in your heart. Through the archetype, you unlock the power to lead and combine the abilities of unique classes,” the developers continue.

“Strengthen your relationships and assemble your party to defeat even the most powerful enemies and uncover the truth about the kingdom.”

“Metaphor: ReFantazio” will be released on October 11, 2024 for PC, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

More news about Metaphor: ReFantazio.

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