Mega-flop with announcement? The end of the MCU could come much sooner than expected

2024 will most likely be a good year for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With Deadpool & Wolverine, only one movie will be released, but it definitely has what it takes to be a billion-dollar hit. While Marvel fans are eagerly awaiting Deadpool 3, which will be released on July 24, 2024, the new Captain America is already casting its shadow. To put it bluntly: a huge disaster is looming.

Who stars in the new Captain America?

One of the most famous actors is certainly Star Wars legend Harrison Ford, who is set to appear as Red Hulk, among other things. Another Star Wars star plays a villain, but his first image was a little disappointing.


In addition, there will be a reunion with Liv Tyler After her role as Arwen in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, she also played in the second film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe And then of course we have Anthony Mackie, who succeeds Chris Evans as Captain America. And this is where the problems begin.

When will the new Captain America be in theaters?

Captain America: Brave New World is set to hit cinemas in Germany on February 13, 2025. The film was originally described as a “down-to-earth” spy thriller with lots of hand-crafted action. A very special However, the picture of the filming raised initial doubts come up.

It is now reported that complex reshoots which will give the new Captain America new characters and an expanded storyline, as well as huge action scenes This also has an impact on the budget. The costs for the new Marvel film are exploding and are now said to at 350 to 375 million US dollars This could become a huge problem for Disney.


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Captain America: Brave New World threatens to become one of the most expensive films of all time. This would mean that the potential Marvel blockbuster would have to be a billion-dollar hit to avoid ending in financial disaster. A very specific question inevitably arises at this point: Will millions of Marvel fans actually go to see the new Captain America film in which Chris Evans does not play the leading role? The fact that Harrison Ford as Red Hulk is not necessarily a crowd puller is shown by the Mega-flop of the also incredibly expensive Indiana Jones 5.

If Captain America: Brave New World does crash at the box office, the Marvel Cinematic Universe could face a similar fate to its competitor DC. The films already in production will still be released in theaters or streamed directly on Disney Plus, and a reboot of the MCU will be initiated.

Source: World of Reel
