Massive surveillance: The EU wants to snoop on WhatsApp, Telegram and Co.

As early as 19 June 2024, the EU Council is expected to discuss a highly controversial proposal by the EU Commission be coordinated, which Privacy of all users of services such as Whatsapp, Telegram, signal and Co. In detail, this is about the so-called Chat controlwhich has been an issue in the EU for almost two years. Several attempts to get the law underway have failed so far. Now the EU Council Presidency is starting the next attempt.

What is EU chat control?

The EU’s plan is to much easier access to news on social media websites and chat rooms. Specifically, the EU also wants to End-to-end encrypted messages The EU Commission wants to use this to find, among other things, images of abuse of children and young people. However, chat control would bring with it other problems, such as the Protest website “” writes:


“Massive control of all digital communication is nothing other than mass surveillance and puts us all under general suspicion. In doing so, the EU Commission is de facto abolishing end-to-end encryption and thus all private communication and an important fundamental democratic right.”

New name for EU chat control

Before the vote on Wednesday, the official name of the EU law was changed again. Here is now “Client-side scanning” The Commission wants to scan content on users' devices before sending it encrypted. Anyone who does not want this can can refuse the scan – but you can no longer send videos and photos.

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The actual problem remains the same, as does the Chaos Computer Club in a recent report. Users are thus more or less forced to consent to surveillance if they want to continue to use their services in a meaningful way. Those responsible for the messaging service signal have already indicated that they withdraw from the EU region should such a law actually be passed.
