Man arrested, four months in prison

The game series The Legend of Zelda he is pleased worldwide a very large fan base. Unfortunately, some of these fans seem to have problems with their Love for the games to really exaggerate. Only recently in England a 48-year-old man sentenced to four months in prison and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £154 just for taking on the Zelda games apparently taken too seriouslyBut what has this fan done wrong?

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On June 8, 2024, the Warwickshire Police in England a man about a surveillance camera, which apparently has a dangerous object in his hand. When this man turned two police officers approached, overwhelm him the officials and arrested him.


The Object in hand of the man turned out to be a master swordwhich comes from the game series The Legend of Zelda The man stated that this sword was a so-called “fidget toy” which he only carried with him so that he something to play around with This would calm him down, said the man.

Fidget toys are generally Objects or toys referred to as the Stress management and calming But a sword for stress management?

The police considered the Master Sword dangerous

The police officers recognized the man's “fidget toy” but not to and explained that this is a sharp, dangerous object act with which one can hurt and frighten The police stated that the Sword in a scabbard from which the blade could be released at the push of a button.


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During the interrogation the arrested man asserted However, he sword do not use as a weapon He tried to convince the officials that this Zelda sword was exclusively a “fidget toy” for him Without any notable success, because on 28 June the man was convicted.

