Lord of the Rings: First pictures

The sequel to The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is casting its extremely dark shadows. After the first season of probably the most expensive series of all time especially Tolkien fans could not completely convince, must Amazon with the new episodes turn things around. This should be achieved with prominent support.

This is what Tom Bombadil and Gandalf look like in the new Lord of the Rings series

A few weeks ago, the first images of a very special Middle Earth character were surprisingly released, one that Peter Jackson has so far avoided in his films. But not everyone liked the look. Tom Bombadil's appearance was compared to a carnival costume, among other things.


One of the pictures also featured Gandalf. Or rather the character who will most likely be the famous wizard played by Ian McKellen in the movies. Meanwhile, new official photos have been released showing Sauron and the infamous grave monsters show.

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New images from the second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power show Sauron and the grave monsters

Already in the first trailer for the new season it was clear that Sauron looks a little different in the new episodes. In the future he will appear as Annatar, a character who resembles the elves.

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However, his face has hardly changed and why Galadriel, Elrond and Co. The series must try to convey in a credible way that they will continue to fall for Sauron in the future. But it goes even further.


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The subscription cover of Empire Magazine shows an illustration of the grave fiends. These were also left out by Peter Jackson in his Lord of the Rings films. In the book, the aforementioned Tom Bombadil saves the ring bearer Frodo and his loyal companions from these undead spirits. The appearance of the grave fiends, however, has drawn criticism.

In the comments, the red robes are sometimes criticized as being too “oriental.” One suspects that this is the same faction that is “busy” commenting on the new Harry Potter series and is completely embarrassed by Star Wars: The Acolyte.

When will the second season of the Lord of the Rings series be released?
