Life by You: Sim cancelled

“Life by You” was actually planned as a major competitor to “The Sims.” Instead, the planned game has now been canceled.

Publisher Paradox Interactive is discontinuing the life simulation “Life by You”. The decision was announced after the early access launch was postponed several times. The title was supposed to be released on June 4, 2024.


“Life by You” was created by former “The Sims” veterans Rod Humble, who had already played a role as manager in “The Sims 2” and “The Sims 3”, was among those involved. The ambitious life simulation, called “Life by You”, was intended to offer an alternative to the great role model “The Sims”.

The project was therefore associated with high expectations. A trailerwhich was released in 2023, showed that you shouldn't just move around in your immediate neighborhood. The short clip also showed characters moving around in a city, in a car, and on the beach.

Reasons for the cancellation of Life by You

In an article in Paradox Forum Deputy CEO Mattias Lilja explained that the decision was made after a thorough review of the project. Despite the possibility of extending the development time, it was determined that the path to a successful release was too long and uncertain. Lilja acknowledged that this was a clear failure of Paradox to meet both its own and the community's expectations.

The cancellation at this late stage is unusual and disappointing – both for the developers and potential players. Although the exact platforms were not confirmed, the project showed promise as a new addition to the genre. Paradox Interactive apologized to the loyal community and expressed gratitude for their support.


This decision reflects the challenges that developers of life simulation games have to face. With “The Sims” there is a long-established, extremely strong competitor on the market.

Comments in the gaming community show both understanding of the complex development of such games and regret over the failure of a potential competitor to “The Sims”. Paradox Interactive emphasizes that this experience will provide important lessons for future projects.

More news about Life by You.

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