Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?

News tip Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?


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In Lethal Company, you will have to visit planets to find objects that you will then have to resell. Except that not all planets are equal, and in this article we invite you to take a tour of all of them currently available in the game!


Summary of our Lethal Company guides

Lethal Company’s easy planets

Let’s start by taking a tour of the 3 easy planets that are available on Lethal Company. They clearly don’t have the best loot, but they have two advantages. The first, is that the fauna is not too hostile and the second is that travel to them is free!


Experimentation is an arid planet which has a main entrance close to the emergency one, which will be useful in a very specific case, the one where you find an Apparatus. Indeed, in this case, the main door closes and you will have to go through the emergency exit.


Assurance is Experimentation’s neighbor, and you should therefore expect a fairly similar climate and topology. Moreover, at the level of the bestiary, as on the first planet, it will be necessary to do watch out for Eyeless dogs and Earth Leviathan who represent a big threat, especially at the start of the game. For more details, we redirect you to our complete bestiary.

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?


For Vow, the atmosphere changes, and this time you will be dealing with a rather forest planet with therefore the potential presence of the Forest Keeper which can become very difficult to manage if you don’t know how to do it. Also pay attention to the metal bridge at the exit which is only capable of supporting one or two people at the same time. If there are more of you, it will collapse!

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?

Just like easy planets, intermediaries have the advantage of being free, which allows you to easily go to places where the loot will be of better quality. Be careful though because the enemies will also be more annoying.


In terms of typology, Offense will be closer to the two easy arid planets with therefore a fauna which will be similar and composed of Earth Leviathan and Eyeless dog. It should be noted that there is low chance that the complex will sometimes be replaced by a mansion.

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?


If Offense is an arid planet, March is a forest like Vow, even if it is quite sparse, which makes it easier to find your way once there. The problem is that less forest, it’s also less blankets to protect you from the Forest Keeper!

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?

The difficult planets of Lethal Company

Let’s finally talk about the most difficult planets and therefore with the best loot from Lethal Company. Be careful though because to get there, you will have to spend a lot of credits! Count 550 credits for Rend, 600 for Dine and 700 for Titan.


Arriving on Rend, we understand what difficult planet means, it being frozen and constantly swept by a blizzard which will clearly impact visibility. Fortunately to find the entrance, a lamp path will guide you. The problem is that with the low visibility, it is very difficult to see the enemies when you move outside.

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?


Dine is similar to Rend in how it works, with a blizzard preventing you from seeing well and a lamp path to guide you to the entrance. Moreover, note that if on Rend, it is often a manor but sometimes a complex, on Dine, it will always be a mansion.

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?


Titan is a frozen planet, but at least there’s no blizzard! On the other hand, the complex is huge and mostly filled with monsters. It becomes particularly dangerous after 3 p.m. when the Eyeless dogs begin to invade the premises and in particular the stairs towards the exit.

Lethal Company Planets: Which ones are the easiest and most profitable?

71-Gordion, a planet apart!

Finally, among the planets, there remains one last one that we have not yet mentioned, and that is normal. Indeed, 71-Gordion is not a planet where you will be able to go in search of objects, but rather the one where you will have to deposit yours to sell them.

On the latter, there is therefore no or almost no danger. In fact, the main threat is the salesman who will tend to get angry if you ring the doorbell a little too much and kill you. If it’s fun at first, be careful because it will end up being expensive!

About Lethal Company

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