Lei Jun’s recent photo exposure comparison chart has gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old–Fast Technology–Technology changes the future

Building a car is like a knife, the knife makes people grow old.

Recently, Lei Jun's real-life recent photos were exposed, which made rice fans feel distressed and netizens lamented:Building a car is really hard.


What's more, someone who did something good put the photos of the public event three months ago together with this one, which is even more touching: people grow old overnight.

Lei Jun’s recent photo exposure comparison chart has gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old
△On the left is Lei Jun at Wuhan University three months ago, on the right is a recent photo

“Lei Jun is old” has even become a potential hot search topic on Weibo, with comments of lament and emotion coming one after another.


Mi Fan also felt distressed: Mr. Lei, can we not build this car?

Top leaders of car companies attend the two sessions

The recent photo of Mr. Lei on the right side of the picture above comes from an interview he attended during the Two Sessions.

In the interview, Lei Jun revealed the bills he submitted this year, which mainly focus on:

Create more Chinese brands with international influence

Develop emerging industries including new energy vehicles

Develop digital economy

Lei Jun submitted four specific suggestions this year, one of which is directly related to the automobile industry:

Further standardize the safe application of intelligent driving products.

Lei Jun's suggestions are relatively comprehensive, covering not only assisted driving while driving, but also the safety of unmanned parking and the use of vehicle-side data.

Lei Jun’s recent photo exposure comparison chart has gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

In addition to Lei Jun, many car company leaders such as Zhu Huarong, Li Shufu, He Xiaopeng and Zhang Xinghai also made suggestions at the two sessions.

Like Lei Jun, Changan Automobile Chairman Zhu Huarong is also concerned about the data security of the car. Zhu Huarong suggested that the boundaries of personal information in car data should be clarified and the property rights regulations of car data should be refined.

Geely Chairman Li Shufu suggested promoting the development of motor sports and the automotive aftermarket.

Mr. Lei’s Hubei fellow He Xiaopeng explores new application scenarios and proposes low-speed driverless driving at night in limited scenarios.

Zhang Xinghai, chairman of Thalys, focuses on going overseas and suggests encouraging supply chain companies and high-quality car companies to “collaborate on going overseas.”

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

There are many celebrities in the car industry during the two sessions. Lei Jun attracted the most attention.

This is not the first time that Lei Jun has participated in the two sessions, but this time it has attracted a lot of attention, naturally because Xiaomi Auto is about to be released.

Domestic car companies continue to be in trouble, and Xiaomi SU7 is about to be launched. Recently, every time a new car is released, netizens will express their worries for Lei Jun:

Mr. Lei, how do you decide the price? ? ?

SU7 is coming, friends and businessmen are setting the table

The launch of Xiaomi SU7 is getting closer.

Before the Chinese New Year, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi SU7 had begun small-scale mass production. Recently, leaked documents showed that the production capacity of Xiaomi Auto's Beijing factory in the first quarter was 2,000 units, with an annual output value of 400 million. This was later reported to be untrue by Xiaomi's official response.

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

There are also reports that colleagues have been invited by Xiaomi Motors to take in-house shooting, that is, static experience shooting, which indicates that the new car is about to be launched.

But the person who knows you best may be your business friends. Just after the new Jikrypton 001 was released last week, Jikrypton executives also revealed in a group interview that they heard the news that the Xiaomi SU7 launch might be held on March 28.

At this time, it is somewhat believable. First of all, the time is approaching for financial report performance disclosure, which can be used as a new highlight. Secondly, the Beijing Auto Show is coming in April this year, and it can receive wider and more direct marketing and sales at the world's first-level auto show.

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

As for the rumors at this time, Xiaomi Motors did not clearly deny it this time and responded:

The specific time will be announced through official channels.

Of course, Xiaomi SU7 is now on the verge of launching and has to be launched, but it is not easy to launch.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, Xiaomi SU7 almost ran out of cards, leaving only pricing – the final factor that most affects market competitiveness.

Lei Jun has publicly stated many times that SU7 “cannot be 19.9” and “a bit expensive.”

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

However, the warmth of users from friendly merchants comes one after another, and they take turns posing “difficulties” on the pricing of SU7:

First, Ji Krypton 007 was released one day before the technical conference. It is also a pure electric sedan focusing on high performance. It is slightly shorter than the SU7, and its fastest acceleration from 0 to 100km/h is about the same as the SU7. The price starts at 209,900, and the top version only costs 29.9 Ten thousand yuan, the 200,000 bracket is full.

After the technology conference, Geely launched another pure electric sedan, the Galaxy E8, which is over 5 meters long and has a starting price of less than 170,000 yuan plus rights.

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

Some netizens believe that Geely is using 007 to fully attack SU7, and then playing E8 to seal Xiaomi's lower limit.

This is not over yet. JiKrypton has just launched the new model 001, which starts at 269,000 yuan. The entire series comes standard with 800V and lidar, and the entry-level battery life is 750km.

As soon as this card was played, netizens shouted:

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

It’s not just Ji Krypton that has blocked Xiaomi in advance. Affected by the atmosphere in the car industry, the popularity of pure electric cars such as Han EV and Xiaopeng P7i have recently dropped to 179,800 yuan and 203,900 yuan respectively. In addition, Zhiji L6 and Jiyue 07 are also warming up.

There is a saying that Lei Jun is right about.This price is the most competitive price.

So the situation is like this. Even if Apple gives up building cars, leaving Mr. Lei without a benchmark, Xiaomi Motors will not have to declare war on Apple cars and fully compete with Apple cars. But in the world's largest car market, Xiaomi SU7 is under great pressure. , Lei Jun is under great pressure.

Some netizens believe that it is the severe situation faced by Xiaomi Motors that has caused Lei Jun, who is over 50 years old to build cars at All In, to be aging at a visible speed to the naked eye.

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

And Lei Jun is not the only one who makes people grow old by building cars.

Building a car is like a knife making people grow old

August 29, 2022, is a memorable day for He Xiaopeng. This day happens to be the fifth anniversary of his joining Xiaopeng full-time.

At this time, Xiaopeng had not yet experienced the “Waterloo of G9 release”, and the situation was excellent, with average monthly sales exceeding 10,000, which was a good result at the time.

However, He Xiaopeng still wrote with emotion:

My hair has turned white, and it’s not easy to build a car.

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

Earlier, in 2019, it was known that NIO had encountered great difficulties. Li Bin recalled that NIO at that time was “hanging by a thread.”

According to Li Bin, he has to find ways to raise money to pay his salary next month. Many NIO employees lamented Li Bin at that time:

Brother Bin is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It can be seen that building cars is not easy. No matter what situation car companies face, CEOs are faced with great pressure.

Comparative photos of Lei Jun’s recent photos have gone viral!Netizen: Building cars makes people grow old

Especially this year, with “Gaohe suspending production” and “nine car companies cutting prices in one day”, everyone has already felt the fierce and cruel competition among car companies in 2024.

He Xiaopeng once said that Chinese car brands will enter the knockout round this year, and Li Bin also said that new energy car companies will enter the finals in 2025. Li Xiang believes that there are only 5 companies left in the finals this year, and now there are only 2 places left.

They all saw unprecedented opportunities to build cars, but behind the opportunities was tremendous pressure and the even more desperate 996.

When Xiaomi started its business, it was 996. Now under the situation of Xiaomi Automobile, Lei Jun, who has aged overnight, must be more than 996.

But, still pay attention to your health~

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