Kadokawa: Ransomware attack on FromSoftware's parent company

According to recent reports, FromSoftware's parent company Kadokawa fell victim to a cyberattack this month. As part of a ransomware attack, the “Blacksuit” group is said to have managed to steal around 1.5 terabytes of internal data.

After extensive cyberattack After Insomniac Games last year, this month another major industry player was hit. Kadokawa, the parent company of “Elden Ring”-Makers of FromSoftware.


According to recent reports, the Japanese media group fell victim to a ransomware attack by the group “Blacksuit”. As part of the attack, the group is said to have stolen around 1.5 terabytes of internal data. If Kadokawa refuses to pay an unspecified ransom, “Blacksuit” threatens to publish the stolen data.

The data in question is said to include employment contracts, legal documents, financial plans and personal data of employees and management. The attack also led to the encryption of the entire network of Kadokawa and its subsidiaries, including services such as NicoNico.

Kadokawa speaks out

In an official statement, Kadokawa points out that the attack on the company's network took place on June 8, 2024 and was carried out using ransomware. The targets are said to have included the Japanese video-sharing platform NicoNico and other Kadokawa offerings.

The company is currently busy restoring its systems and setting up a secure network and server environment that ensures normal and secure operations. The company's statement does not reveal who is behind the attack.


However, according to reports, the group “Blacksuit” claimed responsibility for the attack. To support their own claims, the hackers made a sample of the stolen data available on their website.

The entire data set is scheduled to be released on July 1, 2024, unless Kadokawa agrees to pay the ransom demanded.

Countermeasures are said to have failed

The reports also indicate that Kadokawa's IT department apparently noticed the attack three days before the systems were encrypted. Even though their server IP was blocked, the attackers reportedly managed to continue downloading data.

Countermeasures which, according to “Blacksuit”, have led to the ransom demanded being increased again.

Kadokawa is a Japanese media company that has various subsidiaries in different industries. One of Kadokawa's best-known subsidiaries in Germany is the Japanese developer studio FromSoftware, which most recently released “Elden Ring” and the expansion “Shadow of the Earth Tree”. celebrated great successes.

The media group has not yet revealed to what extent the cyberattack on Kadokawa will affect operations at FromSoftware.

Source: Golem

More news about From Software, Kadokawa.

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