In a country where physical gaming is disappearing, Microsoft is exploding the price of the Xbox Series S! | Xbox One

If he is often acclaimed for his positions in favor of gamers, Microsoft and Xbox today remind us once again that they are above all there to make money from their activities. Today we learn that the company is increasing the price of the Xbox Series S in Brazil, and not just a little.

A 40% increase for the Xbox Series S

As we can read in the columns of Theenemythe price of the Xbox Series S 512 GB will in fact increase by 40% in Brazil, for no particular reason.


Before the price increase, an Xbox Series S was sold between R$2000 and R$2500 (around €475). From now on, the price displayed for the small Microsoft console will be R$3,599, or approximately €685.

In its statement, Microsoft simply said that it was striving to “deliver the best gaming experience at different price points.” But this price increase places the Xbox Series S at the same price as the PlayStation 5 Digital, a more popular and above all much more powerful machine.

At Xbox, we strive to provide the best gaming experience at different price points, so gamers can choose what best suits their needs and budget.

The joys of 100% dematerialization

While this increase is already relatively difficult to justify, it is even more so when we know that Microsoft is singled out for its lack of releasing games in physical format, and even more so in this territory.

If in its statement, the American giant indicates that it wishes to continue to offer Brazilian players “quality options so that they can play as they wish” it is clear that the reality is quite different.


Brazilian media Nerdizmo indicated at the start of the year that, according to their sources close to distribution, Microsoft was going to end the distribution of physical games in Brazil. A fact confirmed by several Brazilian players who already said that physical gaming was generally on the decline in this country, but also more generally in Latin America, and particularly at Xbox.

On social networks, Brazilian players are furious and believe that Microsoft is implementing a terrifying policy for the future of video games in this market. However, the company continues to communicate publicly in favor of openness and the choice proposed, a discourse which seems out of step with what is really happening on the ground.

While the console remains an important part of the Xbox ecosystem, we will continue to bring quality games, skills and options to Brazilian gamers so they can play how they want and where they want.

Note that the Xbox Series X is not affected by this price increase and that only the brand’s “entry-level” machine is affected.

Do not hesitate to tell us in the comments what you think of this decision, and if you fear that it will spread to Europe, and particularly to France.
