How to beat The Elder of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood

A very fair fight

The difficulty of “The Elder of the Brotherhood of Black Rabbits” is not so much on the boss itself, which has a life bar and a relatively simple pattern to learn, but it is on the construction of the fight that it poses a problem. Indeed, here, we not only face the Elder, but also his brothers, which gives a 1vs4 fight.

As a result, the boss fight can be very complicated if you don’t prepare properly. We can only advise you to test the different weapons that you can find during your adventure in Krat, but after trying many combinations on our side, we are going to recommend two sets that allowed us to beat the boss.


Prepare well

After trying different combinations during our dozens of deaths, two sets of weapons stood out for us. First of all the fire ax combined with its respective handle proves to be very effective with its speed and significant damage, especially since the boss doesn’t give you two seconds of respite. But be careful, because the range of the ax is relatively low.

This is why we recommend a second combination which allowed us to defeat the boss. Large Claw Wrench Head with Amplified Polearm Handle allows you to inflict even greater damage than with the fire axe, but on the contrary, your attacks will be slower. So, it’s up to you to decide whether you prefer speed or big damage. Of course, you are free to try other combinations that suit your style.

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In addition to the weapon, remember that you can use various throwing items to throw at enemies, and also, remember to use your weapon sharpening stone before starting the fight, this will give you a major advantage against the reinforcements that will stand between you and the Elder.

How to beat The Elder of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood?

The Elder of the Brotherhood of Black Rabbits only has one phase, but as stated above, the boss fight takes place in 1vs4 with certain subtleties. Indeed, at certain times during the fight, the brothers of the Elder can join theconfrontation and thus find yourself fighting against one, two, or even three brothers at the same time in addition to the boss.

The sister fights with daggers and attacks quickly as well as being able to throw you into the air, while one of the two brothers fights with a blade and the other with a spear. That said, the sister is probably the most irritating because of her rapid attacks that leave little respite when combined with the Elder or even one of the other brothers.

On the other hand, an essential point to know before entering the arena is the fact that you are not obliged to beat all four enemies to overcome the boss fight. Indeed, only the elimination of the Elder is enough to end the battleand if you use one of our two sets presented previously, you will overcome the boss without too much difficulty.

If the Elder doesn’t give you a break, especially when his brothers chain you between two healing potions, However, it is relatively slow. which allows you to anticipate a perfect counter. However, watch out for his spinning attack which can be complicated to block, as well as his only quick combo of vertical attacks.

Also, when you reduce the relatively low HP of the brothers, they do not return to the arena to our great pleasure. However, the Elder will tend to charge you when your back is turned to attack the reinforcements, so caution is advised if you do not want to take a big blow to the back.

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Once The Elder of the Brotherhood of Black Rabbits is defeated, you will obtain a new Stalgazer in addition to the achievement/trophy “Match postponed”. Do not hesitate to follow our complete guide dedicated to Lies of P which notably includes a part on the different endings available in the game.
