How to beat King Darius?

When you arrive at the highest point of the Tower of Silence, you will meet the son of King Darius, whom you know very well, and who remains the rightful heir to the throne. But it will also be an opportunity for his father, King Darius, to oppose you in arduous single combat. Here are our tips for triumphing in this battle at the top.

Important note: You will need to be very mobile throughout the fight, using and using your Cloth of Time to escape from the various attacks and almost not touch the ground. Strike as soon as you can.


Phase 1

  • Avoid or parry his sword attacks which will start the fight. If you stay in contact too much, he will try to crush you with his foot.
  • When it covers the ground with ice, use the Cloth's grips to fly away and stay in the air long enough and make an attack towards the ground and your enemy as soon as the ice disappears.
  • If you see him flying into the air, immediately dash to one side or the other but even at best up high, he will grow crystals and you can attack him from above as soon as they disappear, because he will need to recover.

Phase 2

  • After the first cut-scene of the fight, the King will ignite his sword. As soon as you see that he arms his arm and that his head is surrounded by a red halo, jump and stay in the air, he will set the ground on fire.
  • But stay alert for two big red streaks in the air in a row, the King will take their paths in the next second so dash or use your Cloth to avoid it.
  • He will then charge the ground with his flaming sword: at this time, stay above him. He will send two flaming discs from either side, take advantage of this time to attack him from above and stay in contact to inflict the most damage, especially with an Athra attack, his sword being temporarily stuck in the ground.

Phase 3

  • Phase 3 begins with the appearance of a devastating blue storm around him. Stay in the corners of the arena if possible, since he will then “explode” in 4 large blue rays in a cross around him, before collapsing to the ground: it's time!
  • But be careful, since he will try to hit you with his fist, so stay alert to his movements and dash, especially since he will end up freezing the ground around him and charging his sword with intense frost.
  • At times it will cause the soil to ignite followed by freezing. Stay in the air as long as possible with your Cloth to escape this attack, an attack followed by two red streaks in the sky to avoid and a charged attack on the ground after which you can attack.
  • At one point, a short cut-scene will show him jumping in the air and charging his sword, jump instantly and stay in the air, what happens on the ground will not work for you at all, this kind of frozen fire followed by several trails red to avoid marks the very last phase of the fight. Stay mobile and in the air thanks to the time catchers.
  • Note that one of its streaks will be golden, this is the sign of its perilous attack that you ABSOLUTELY need to ward off if you want to inflict heavy damage on him.

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