How did the collaboration between Kojima and Reedus begin?

On X (formerly: Twitter), Hideo Kojima looked back at the creation of “Death Stranding”. In a tweet, the Japanese game designer revealed how the collaboration with Norman Reedus came about.

With the November 2019 published “Death Stranding” Hideo Kojima not only demonstrated his talent for unusual gaming experiences and excitingly staged stories.


At the same time, the Japanese design legend managed to sign a popular actor, Norman Reedus, who took on the role of protagonist Sam Porter Bridges in “Death Stranding.” Most of you will know Reedus from his role as Darly Dixon in “The Walking Dead.”

In a series of recent tweets, Kojima once again discussed the collaboration with Norman Reedus and told us how it came about.

It all started with sushi

When Kojima started his own studio, Kojima Productions, he drew up the first concepts for “Death Stranding” and then met with Reedus. During a visit to a sushi restaurant, Kojima managed to persuade Reedus to collaborate despite the lack of a solid script.

“When I had just started my own studio and had nothing, I presented the DS project to Norman at a sushi restaurant and asked him if he wanted to do it with me,” Kojima said. “He immediately said yes, even though I didn't even have a script. The following month we did scans and performance capture for a trailer. I was still underweight and thin at the time.”


The rest of the story is well known. Even though the gameplay concept of “Death Stranding” was sometimes controversial, the title developed into a commercial success for Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions.

The studio is currently working on the successor “Death Stranding 2: On the Beach”which is scheduled to be released for the PS5 in 2025.

Not the first collaboration between Kojima and Reedus

The fact that it wasn't particularly difficult for Kojima to persuade Norman Reedus to work together is probably due to the two's shared past. Even before “Death Stranding,” Kojima and Reedus came together to realize an ambitious video game project.

We're talking about the horror title “Silent Hills,” which was in development between 2012 and 2015. However, it never amounted to more than a playable teaser in the form of “PT.” Instead, Konami decided to stop work on the project in 2015.

A development that, according to insiders, played a significant role in Kojima's departure from Konami.

More news about Death Stranding.

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