Hollywood icon loses millions at the cinema with his own film

It is a box office flop that will really hurt. The film year so far has already had its fair share of disappointments. Hollywood is launching a diverse range of films, some of which have received extremely good reviews, but a striking number of big-screen productions have failed to make it to the top. the financial expectations not fulfill.

Are there only flops in the cinema these days?

So-called blockbusters like this “John Wick of good humor” or the supposed “best action film of the year” started promisingly at number 1 in the cinema charts, but then crashed mercilessly. The problem that these flops share: despite some generous support from taxpayers, they were far too expensive to produce. But help is at hand.


After numerous flops and disappointments, Disney is preparing to save the cinema year almost single-handedly this year. The new animated film from Pixar is currently celebrating incredible records at the box office. Inside Out 2 has already broken the magic barrier of 1 billion US dollars after only a short time.

And with Deadpool 3 and this upcoming live-action sequel to a Disney classic, this feat is likely to be achieved two more times. Disney is back on top, but the Mickey Mouse company's recent success cannot hide the fact that financial flops continue to occur in the cinema.

How successful is Kevin Costner’s new film?

On its first weekend, the opening of Horizon, the new Western series by Kevin Costneronly grossed 11 million US dollars. With a reported budget of 100 million US dollars A miracle would have to happen for the film to be its costs It is particularly painful that Hollywood icon Kevin Costner believe it or not 38 million US dollars contributed out of his own pocket. What happens next?


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Kevin Costner has celebrated in recent years thanks to the immensely popular western series Yellowstone huge successes. His plan, and the Western genre in the cinema to its former glory apparently went horribly wrong. The sequel to Horizon is scheduled to be released in the US on 16 August 2024 start. What is the situation here?

In Germany, the Cinema release of Kevin Costner’s new films on August 22nd and November 7th, 2024. It is highly questionable whether the further parts 3 and 4 of Horizon will actually be made. The career of Kevin Costner as a great filmmaker (Dances with Wolves) The flop of the new Western is likely to be over for good. Although he had to deal with some failures in the past with Water World (1995) or Postman (1997), difficult situation in Hollywood The financing of another blockbuster production directed by Kevin Costner seems rather unlikely.

Source: Variety
