Hands-on reports with tons of gameplay from Sony's PvP shooter

Today, a series of hands-on reports on “Concord” went online. We have summarized a few videos with gameplay scenes from the PvP shooter in this article – along with some user comments.

In two months, Sony Interactive Entertainment will release its second live service shooter after “Helldivers 2”. The hands-on reports that arrived today reveal what you can expect from the gameplay.


PlayStation Access, among others, had the opportunity to play the hero shooter. You can watch almost twelve minutes of gameplay.

Most users agree: The gameplay looks pretty good. Many people notice the similarity to “Destiny”. Some are even so convinced that they have now pre-ordered “Concord”.

In addition to the gunplay, viewers praise the character design and the general art style. However, one criticizes the price of the shooter and believes that the chances of success would be greater if it were a free-to-play title.

Game Informer also had the opportunity to try out “Concord.” The testers say the gaming experience feels like a mix of “Destiny” and “Overwatch.”


Next is the video from IGN. Here, people are a bit more critical. For example, one writes: “I still need to be convinced that this project isn't dead on arrival.” Another asks provocatively: “How long will it take until the servers are closed?”

One of the things users criticize is the health bar, which runs from left to right when damage is taken. It could also be a bit smaller.

Our colleagues at Gameswelt say in their hands-on video: The PlayStation shooter should not be written off after the negative reactions to the reveal trailer. Because the game mechanics seem to be quite convincing.

You can find out when you can play yourself in the linked article. As of today, it is known when the beta phase of “Concord” starts.

The hero shooter will be released on August 23rd for PS5 and PC. You have to pay 39.99 euros for the standard edition. Sony also offers a deluxe edition that costs 20 euros more. It includes cosmetic content and 72 hours of early access.

More news about Concord.

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