Halo has generated over $10 billion in games and movies revenue | XboxOne

When discussing the history of the Xbox brand, the Halo franchise is quick to come into the conversation.A true icon of the launch of the first Xbox, Halo has crossed the ages to become a symbol that has allowed Microsoft to create a craze with more than 10 billion dollars in revenue generated.

Halo, a franchise born 22 years ago

While Frank O’Connor, creative director on Halo for 19 years, talks about the figure of 6 billion dollars in revenue generated by the franchise, it seems that it is ultimately a little more than that.


We must turn to the profile of Lillian Lehmann to get a higher number.Lillian has been a Senior Business Manager at Microsoft for two years and says she led a team of business operations managers, associates, and vendors to drive Halo’s global business operations from start to finish for $10. billions of dollars, across multiple releases and productions.

It’s not specified on his profile, but we imagine that this is a total that takes into account games, merchandise, novels, films or the Halo series, which Frank O was talking about ‘Connor.Note also that this mention of 10 billion dollars appears on the LinkedIn profile of Lillian Lehmann for an assignment that ended at Microsoft in 2019. It is therefore possible that this figure will be even higher in 2023.

Is 10 billion a lot for a franchise like Halo?We could answer with yes and no.It’s generally accepted that Halo 3 (2007) was the best-selling Halo game, but the numbers for subsequent games aren’t really known.All we know is that 343 Industries started integrating microtransactions into Halo 5 and the Halo TV series didn’t come out until 2022.

When we compare Halo’s ten billion to other well-known franchises, the Spartan does not necessarily have to be ashamed since, for comparison, Call of Duty is around 30 billion, Final Fantasy around 20 billion and Street Fight the 12 billion.

